Ipv 4s buzzing in joule mode

Hi guys got a ipv 4s at Christmas and been told I can use the crown coils in joule mode so I have switched it to 50 joules 400f ni mode. But when I fire it up I am getting a buzz off the mod in power mode it’s fine I have some ti in vape Mail to make my own has anybody else had this ?

I have two of them but they have never buzzed. Never used NI though, only TI.

Thanks got some ti on order so I will be on that soon :grinning:

I don’t expect the Ti to change the buzzing, but I suppose it is theoretically possible. The electronics inside the mod switch on and off rapidly to control the power. Think of it as chopping up the full capability of the battery. Sometimes there will be an inductor (basically a coil of wire with a filler inside) and the pulsing can cause the filler to vibrate.

By going to a lower resistance, which Ti will definitely do, it’s possible that the buzzing could reduce or change frequency. But, don’t be surprised if it doesnt. If it continues to bother you, you could try and return, but I doubt many would take it back for that reason. Good luck in any event.

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The IPV4s should not buzz in Joule Mode. I have a IPV4s. I’ll admit I never have tried nickel wire but that really should not make a difference. I think you should be contacting the vendor for a return before it is too late…

Actually I just listened to mine - I buzzes too, but I haven’t heard it before over the atomizer and airflow :stuck_out_tongue:

Nothing like the eVic VT’s high pitched noise.

The Xcube and Xcube mini whines too, but lower and only while activated… Pretty sure the Koopor Plus does as well…

Not a sound from the eVic VTC Mini.

Literally just put my ear on the mod and I hear no buzz from mine. I will say my crown is cooking and covering any buzz should there be any. But if @Adam157 can easily hear this buzz over his addy then I think he should if nothing else be speaking to the vendor and or a actual tech about this I agree with @therabidweasel when he says he doesn’t think TI wire will make a difference. I only hope I’m wrong cause my thoughts are the possibility it is not safe…

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Not necessarily unsafe - the eVic, Xcubes and Koopor are known to make a low noise - that’s just the electronics working to keep temp…

But I agree - He should talk to the vendor :slightly_smiling:

The reason the Evic units buzzes is because they use a pulse system (on off super fast). Does the Cube and Koopor use pulse? I don’t think the IPV4s does but don’t know…

I’ll tell ya, I just put my ear up to the air vent holes of my Kooper and can not hear a buzz over the atty noise. That must be one loud buzz @Adam157 is having to hear over the atty…

I am with you on this one never on nicke or ni 200 tempered or titanium ipv4/Ipv4 s have any buzzing at all …

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Are you locking the coils in and how many ohms are your coils single coil 425/480 degrees Fahrenheit at 33/38 j seems to work pretty good 50j at 400 your coil is heating up quickly maybe too quick and if the coil is not locked in cold can do some Strang stuffE

Lots of regulators buzz, particularly high power. It’s via the phenomenon I mentioned and is not dangerous nor does it pose any safety risk to my knowlede or experience. Return if you fill the need, but I wouldn’t expect they will take it. This is quite common in these types of electronics.

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Thanks for all the replies helped a lot I might email pioneer to see what they say about it could it be I was using it with the stock ss coil I did put the ni200 coil in the day I got it and don’t recall hearing it I still have that coil so I will put it in later to check im using it on power mode at 75 w and no buzzing at all no hot batteries

PWM is how the mods are able to do temp modes. in between each pulse it tests the resistance and the temp. the faster the pwm, the more the temp mode will feel natural to you. the slower the pwm, thats when you have the “buzzing”. mine sounded like i could hear it fire every 1/8 second or so. it was just really slow. other people didn’t have this issue. it was the reason i traded mine. course, i had mine before the crown came out. i was using nickel coils for tanks and my own ni coils.


Just clearing things up technically:

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I know some mods have a “heartbeat” signal is used to calculate resistance and temp. Pwm control I believe is like @therabidweasel said the controlling of the output power to the coil by the board. Like a super fast on/off switch. gives that rattle snake or helicopter noise. It can change frequency of pulses to keep the set amount of power to the coils as the resistance changes from the heat generated.