iStick 100W, high power low price

My fire button sticks some as well. I’m usually at my desk and dripping when I am using it and it lets me know that it’s stuck…I can hear it firing LOL. I have found it is kind of positional, if I hold my finger just right it won’t stick. It has become a habit now. This thing is a beast to pack in your pocket so my 50w iStick or my Ego One Mega is usually my carry rig.

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Totally spot on! I can’t actually reproduce if I try to but I know that every time it has happened, it’s because I moved my finger a certain way. It has done it about 5 or 6 times now since taking it out of the box 3 days ago but now I know what to watch out for and how the buttons are built.
Nonetheless I like it a lot, the things a champ! Happy I bought it and I may just have to get a second at this price :slight_smile:

After lugging around 2 Xcubes this thing feels small haha

I had that same problem with my 50w awhile back. I carefully pulled the stick on metal strip that runs along the switch and buttons to expose the switch. I noticed the soft plastic spring was misaligned. I realigned it, replaced the soft metal strip and it has worked ever since. I’m hoping that this applies to the 100w.

Yeah I can live with it… knowing me I will make it worse after tearing it apart :wink:

Same rattling inside on mine… Work like a charm but it pisses me off!!

Should I open it myself and get rid of the plastic thingy?

Go for it (if you’re comfortable with doing it). I’ve taken all of mine apart except for the 100w. Haven’t put it down long enough to tear into it.

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Thanks for the review! I was looking at one of these earlier this week. After reading your review and the other comments I am glad I waited to buy it. I would rather spend a bit more for a better quality mod.

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Seems to me they would have invested more time and money in a 100 watt temp control to keep up with the Jones!

So I had something strange happen tonight and I wasn’t sure where to post but here. I noticed it was time for a charge because I had no bars left, which was normal because it was about 2 days in use.

I took out the batteries and put them in my charger and one was dead but the other battery was full? I thought maybe I had it upside down or something but I didn’t and sure enough the second battery was full?

These are relatively new batteries and have been fine. If I remember correctly the previous charge was via the usb in the istick itself. I’ve never seen that before, so I found it odd.

I’m not a magnet or battery expert but on an unrelated observation.
I was curious as to why having 4 small, rather strong, magnets housed directly on top of the +/- ends of batteries, doesn’t have an effect on the batteries themselves?

I am by no means an expert on the 100w istick, however, I do know that the batteries are separate. I am not sure how to say it because like I said I am no expert, but the istick 100w will work with only one battery if need be. It is not recommended, but it does. That being said, maybe there is something wrong inside your istick to where it is only pulling charge from one battery instead of both leaving one drained and the other fully charged. You could check this by putting one battery in one battery slot of your istick and seeing if it works and then try the other battery slot, maybe one of them isn’t working properly. I hope this makes sense because I don’t know all of the technical terms for these things.

The correct terminology your looking for is
The" thingemagig"and the" whatchamacallit"
And the parts are “the wobbly sproket” and "the giggleing pin"
Hope this helps. Ha ha​:joy::joy::joy::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::dash::dash:


Ha Ha Ha…Thanks for the laugh! :joy:

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I know exactly what you mean, & I thought the same thing myself so I tested it. I swapped batteries and I didn’t have a problem and they drained simultaneously.
I know the istick can be fired with only 1 battery and maybe it wasn’t housed all the way or something?
Not sure but it was wierd

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So you checked it and there was no problem? That is weird…hopefully it was a one time thing. I wouldn’t be concerned unless it keeps happening.

This is my guess! Would definitely suck if you had some kind of intermittant problem. Let’s hope not…