OK, Ive been off and on for 4 years with ecigs. My first go around was in 2011 with 510’s and drop atomizers and Dekang already made ejuice. crap all broke or ran out of juice and returned to a pack and a half a day of Marlboro Reds. Again last year I bought an upgrade of juices ( many DIY’s) and 2 - 1100 ego recharge batteries with CE4 tanks. Worked for about 3 months until around March this year, when this time all my stuff broke…atomizers crack and broke and the batteries went dead on an overcharge.
So this time I bought 2 CE6 with 2- 220 Ego batteries (the ones that look like a real cigarette). Batteies also die often on me, both die and while I wait for them to recharge, i (like 4-9strong text times a day) I return to smoking.
The CE6 gives a better taste and more hit, but Im just not getting what i need. My juices taste good and I got many good recipes from this site. ( vape at 18mg)
Anyway I have cut down to smoking 1 pack a day from 1 and a half. I love to vape and I dont know what I am doing wrong. Smoking taste like shit and I cough and hack all day from smoking. i need to quit these analogs completely and Im trying. Anyone have any suggestions? Do I have a bad ecig? bad battery? My juices are good and I love them. Just something aint working and this is my 3rd go around at quitting.
Hello Mate
I stopped smoking 3 months ago and have not looked back, i dont have any cravings for nicotine anymore either.this is the way i did it. I started off with 6mg for the first month, i had withdrawal symptoms, i think i got lucky as i only really got chest pains in the morning and before bed, i have heard that it can be worst (flu like). you have to remember that when you have the nic in your juice you only absorb about 40-65% of the nicotine. the following month 3mg, with no problems, the next down to 1.5g, when i started to vape 0mg my chest hurt again but this time it was so mild i only really felt it when i forced myself to feel the pain.
my suggestions are that you start maybe with a higher nic say 20 or 24 and bring it down month by month, if it to steep whining this way then try alternatives or maybe have 2 tanks one with 20mg and the other with 18mg when you are transitioning month by month. your body should tell you, listen to it and don’t force yourself to much just enough to help and not cause a relapse.
i also recommend that you buy a more powerful mod then you need, that way the batteries will last at least a day or 2. I have a 150w mod, on my tanks i don’t really go past 45w, the battery will last me two days and i vape a lot probably go through about 7-10ml a day easy.
Get your self spare batteries, i always carry a pack up set with me just incase. Fail to prepare, prepared to fail. its important that you understand battery safety and how they work in order to get the best from them.
I really hope that this helps you i wish you all the best and stay strong.
Man that was was very helpful, I will in my batches of ejuice add 2-4mg more nicotine.
I know nothing about these mods. I knew kind of what i knew in 2011, the basic 510s with 650mha and 1100s and the the Ce4- CE6 atomizers.
I am having major problems with my batteries… I even destroyed one yesterday after it died on me after only 4 puffs WTF? New freaking battery at that… i threw it out the window. Im down to only 1 battery no btw.And already since the morning Ive already smoked 1 pack of analogs.
Also Im getting a burnt flavor in my CE4 and the CE is also giving me a really bad gurgle.
Im on a budget since already bough junk and lots of DIY ejuice. Seems I need one of the things called a MOD and maybe new atomizer? can I get a starter kit with both somewhere for like 50 bucks?
I think that is what i need also like 3-7 ml a day. As of now only doing 1 ml a day due to faulty equiptment. I think maybe if I get some updated stuff it maybe could help me?
If you just vape like you pull on a cigarette (mouth to lung pulls, not directly to lung pulls), then I would suggest buying one or two iStick 30W and a one or two Nautilus Mini tanks; to me that is the best starter set of all. I still use my iStick and Nautilus for mouth to lung hits when I’m out and about. I run mine at 14W and I think it’s pretty good
I found on a search an istick called Eleaf is that it? And it has like 10 model? from 30 Watts to 60. That mod take 18650 yes? One or two?
I found a model called XOHM it is a MOD sells at 25 bucks and takes 1 -18650, it is similar as many said in a review to a MOD called Nemisis. And the seller will reduce for me a atomizer Kanger mini aero… with 2 replacement heads, all for 35 bucks is this good? Think it will help me?
Yep. Eleaf makes them. The iStick 30W has a built in battery. You charge it via USB
Here it is with a Nautilus Mini on top:
I will put in a second vote for an eleaf istick 30w and a nautilus mini! That was my first mod and it really helped me quit smoking! They are easy because they have internal batteries that do not need to be changed. Like daath said, you charge through a usb port on the bottom. Also the nautilus tank coil heads are pretty cheap and they last for nearly two weeks each. It is a great starter kit!
I’m not sure I can help, but I can try…
I’m not very familiar with the gear you mentioned (CE4 & CE6) but I looked them up on google image search and they both look kinda like what I started on. I had tried the shitty little cig-a-like types of e-cigs you can get cheap in gas stations but they’re garbage. However, I became curious if there were new & improved versions a couple months ago when I had a severe throat infection.
So, I had seen a vape shop that opened near my local grocery store and decided I’d go check it out and ask the folks to tell me what’s what. I went in completely blind just to get the full effect. The folks were very helpful and answered all my questions. I sat at the bar and sampled several juices, which felt a little weird to me. If I’m sitting at a bar; alcohol should be involved at some point
Anyway, they introduce me to a few different starter kits and I chose an eGo set that had adjustable voltage on the bottom (I can’t remember the exact model). I got that and a couple flavors of juice. This looked very similar to the gear you mentioned.
I get home and fool around with this thing for the rest of the day but I sorta felt like you do now. This thing just ain’t gettin’ it done . So, I start looking around on the innertubes and find out I’m a “Tootle Puffer”…
“What’d you just call me?! Thems fightin’ words 'round here son!” lol
OHhhhhh… I get it now… I’m still smoking like this is a cig (mouth to lung). I remember the folks at the shop were hwarking out these massive clouds like they were Indians on the mountain ridge warning the tribe (smoke signals, get it… these are the jokes people; they ain’t gonna get funnier if I have to explain ‘em). I decide to try lung-hittin’ this damn eGo pen which about killed me. I’m sitting there hitting it like a bong on prom night and it gets so F-n’ hot I thought it was gonna melt the metal.
Day 2 of my little adventure:
Back to the vape shop (a little wiser this time); I start off by asking about tanks and sub-ohm gear. End up walking out with a horizon artic tank on an istick 50w mod. I get home and mess with this the rest of the night. It came with 0.5ohm and 0.2ohm coils to try. I started with the 0.5 and lemme tell ya, this was it! I was rippin’ 4-5sec hits of warm vapor and it just gave me that “lung-full” feeling. Awesome! Well hell, if 0.5 is good then 0.2 must be amazing right…? I’m a trooper, lets give er’ a go! Hell no! I tried to hit it like I was on 0.5 and all my hair fell out
Since then I have tried the herakles and the crown tanks but I’m hooked on my arctic at 0.5ohm dual-coil. I like it so much, I bought 7 of them and a metric-shit-ton of replacement coils. I also picked up some better mods with more power (istick 100w & iPV D2).
If you’re still with me; my point is this… Once I started getting a fulfilling nicotine fix, the thought of a cig hasn’t even crossed my mind Plus, it’s nice to have something occupy my time so I’m not sitting around doing nothing; that’s where DIY comes in… “Idle hands are the devils ding-a-ling…” -Early Cuyler
Hope this helps; or was at least entertaining/distracting. I wish you luck
P.S. No tootle puffers were harmed in the making of this post
Edit: when I started writing this, there were no replies yet…Jeeeesus, what a wind bag LOL!
Some really really good advise. I dont like all the electronic stuff. I like bare bones type of stuff… seems a mechanical mod is what I need ( like a Nemesis)
And yeah I was using crap like you would buy at a 711 gas station ( if not worse stuff)
I have no ideal on Ohm s and stuff. will a kanger mini 1.5 ohm work well on a basic Nemisis with Samsung 18650 battery?
I don’ t know much about the Nemisis but a 18650 should have no problem pushing a 1.5ohm coil. I have some suggestive reading I think you’d like. Easy to read all-in-one review of tanks and mods. This is where I started after my eGo experience…
Also, if you already have a couple 18650’s, you can get a istick 100w HERE for $36
Edit: Oops, didn’t notice it was out of stock but plenty of sites carry it.
hahaaa… I can so relate! Your prose makes me giggle. A lot!
Since you are considering a mech mod and a tank… PLEASE (if you haven’t already)
read about Battery safety.
Don’t use a tank on any mech mod that forces the tank’s contact pin to direct contact a battery.
Many clones are cheaply built this way and it can be dangerous.
Glad you got giggle out of it
Did you have also a bad experience with Egos -tanks and batteries as i have had? Did you also return to regular cigarettes?
I will add me 3 as this was the exact setup up that got me off of the cigs.
I was stuck on the cheap ego stuff at first but continued to smoke until the Nautilus tank and Istick 30 watt setup. The magic for me was having 2 setups so I could carry 2 flavors at the same time. I did 1 tobacco and 1 desert flavor
1 year vaping and 10 months cig free at this point and I was a 2 to 3 pack a day smoker for 46years.
Until you learn more I would seriously stick with something like the iStick mods. Much safer
Wow thats a long time of smoking. Ive smoked 5 years, 1.5 PAD Marlboro reds. I just smoked one now, cause once again my battery is dead and on the charger. Here is the thing I know this will work I have been smoke free with ecigs. i think my prob is I just got crap equipment. I bought lots of DIY flavors and focused on that instead of investing in good equipment and MODS. I got junk crap you all likely used back in 2009 is what i have today.
I just bought a MOD called a XOHM 18650 ( it looks like a Nemesis but is rose copper color) , and a Kangaroo Aero mini with 2 replacements heads…all for 30 bucks. Its got to beat the junk I got now.
I will also pick up one extra MOD this istick 30 watt you all talk about, i found for 30 bucks… will have both, better two than one. I know!! Im on one battery now its on the charger and Ive smoked near 2 packs of analogs today.