Joules Mode ~ How do I use it?

Okay guys, I am about to get my first mod that uses joules instead of watts with TC mode…I have read the threads

But I am still not really sure at what joules I should set my mod. I usually set my mod for around 125w and around 480 to 500 F and I take about a 2 1/2 second draw. I guess my question is what should I set it at to get a similar experience? What do ya’ll set your mods at that use joules? I know it is all personal preference, but I need a starting point that’s not gonna burn my face off!!

Sorry, that’s all I’ve got for this question.


That’s me in the sun lol


For me it depends on the build. My single coil I have it set at 60j. For one of my other builds I sit at 90. You just gotta fiddle with it…to get the most pleasure.

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Thanks for answering me. I really thought I would get more advice from the good people here at ELR because I thought IPV devices were pretty popular. Oh well, I guess I will do what I do when all else fails…I will go to google. I just hate doing that because I don’t like any other forums and because I am not a member of any others I cannot ask questions if I do find someone willing to help me :disappointed:

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I used Joules for about a year on my SX Mini’s only and that was over a year ago , so take this for what it is worth.My experience was the Joules and Watts were very close but to me on that device the Joules would run a little hotter than Watts.
I would run in the range of 45-55 Joules but have to run 55-60 Watts to get the same vape, it was probably a mind game but to me the Joules setting made a better vape with a faster ramp up time it seemed.

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Thank you, that is a good piece of advice worth knowing! I think I finally found the starting point I will use to start. I usually keep my RX200 set at 100 to 125 watts and 480 to 500 F so I will start the joules at around 75 joules.

All of them are a little different but that should get you close ,until someone with a IPV can give you more insight.

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Hmmm good people? Am I not good enough? Haha. J/k

You did kinda sort answer your question by posting links to other threads. And the answer is to dial it in just like you did with the temp. There is no major perfect number. If your running a fat daddy think dual coil wire build you may want to push to 120j…on my vertibrade ss316L single coil build my J seeting was 60.

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Yeah, I really like to push the limits with my coils and mods! I just hope 120j will be enough :smirk:

No rush now anyways because my mod was supposed to be sent to me today after waiting since 7/25 for it…Fasttech first told me 7/30, then it was 8/7 then it was 8/30…now it says 9/20 on their website so it looks as if I won’t have it for over another month with shipping time…and that is only if they get it in on 9/20…thanks for your help though but it looks as if I will have plenty of time to figure it out :frowning2:

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That sucks. Wow. Really really sucks. I guess that’s fasttech for ya. Sometimes really quick and other times suppppppperr slow.


Yeah this is my first pre-order from them. I think this mod is actually available at other places now for around the same price. I guess maybe I should shop around and see. Maybe I can get a refund from FT and pick it up from somewhere else. The only thing is that I want the purple one and most places only have the black…

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I mean I don’t mind waiting for a certain date if it is set ahead of time, but I don’t expect to be told after waiting for that date and it finally arriving that it is actually going to be three more weeks…that sucks!

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