I used to vape this pink colored ejuice from a local shop. Sometimes if exposed to sunlight and I had been chain vaping the liquid would turn an almost florescent orange color. At that point it became harsh and progressively less vapable. Even adding more fresh juice did not help. The only thing I could do was dump the tank, clean, and refill. I read somewhere once that it was something that happens when the juice is exposed to heat and sunlight. But after a bit of searching I can’t seem to find it.
Yeah it’s nice. Plenty of room on the build deck for Claptons and had no leaking issues. Vertical coils seem to give more flavor but can be a pain to wick. I like it
Also received the Steam Crave Aromamizer RDTA V2 6ml on Saturday which i’ve just put a vertical build in. Not a lot of room on the deck but still chucks clouds.
Just waiting on the Griffin 25 to be delivered to see how it compares.
We have a wonderful vanilla custard by cyclops vapors called collosus
When you get a 0 nice it has a purple tint to it
The 3mg nice is brownish
Guess it is a reaction to nice or lack thereof of makes the purple slightly pink