Had they left the sweetener out i would absolutely vape this. I didnt make it through 12ml before i had to rewick so the bottle will sit until i decide to toss it. I mixed it at 10 and 8%. Sad as i really liked the flavor but im just too lazy to rewick every 12ml.
Ive not tried their Ultimates yet, i think i just have one, Birthday Cake. Perhaps thats why i went GC blind as it isnt a GC after all, lol.
Well I don’t know exactly when the KLP was released, but the Ultimate Biscuit’s been out for a while now. Smelling them side by side, it sure smells like it.
Ill probably up the % and mix it for pod, super tasty.
I plan on grabbing a few of the Ultimates, reckon ill start with the Biscuit in the first round. Oh, i think i got the Blue Raz too. Yep, i did, havent tried it yet.
Key Lime Pie (One Shot) (Flavor Jungle) 11/30/24 Finalized @20%
After reading the review by SD and Ken O Where I wanted to try this one shot myself. I tested a few different % and finally settled on 20% total. For me this isn’t really too sweet as Ken described. And I have to agree with SD and Ken on this one as it really portrays a pretty good Key Lime Pie. The graham cracker note does lean a lot towards a Capella GC though I definitely pick up the distinct flavor of Cap LMP in the crust and the filling. As for the filling I do feel that its most likely Cap LMP with a good lime flavor added to create the key lime filling. On a more personal note the Key Lime does fail in potency just like most actual key lime pies. For me just both just don’t have enough of a pucker factor, which means I want the tartness from the zest to be sharp. This isn’t really a major issue as its easy enough to add a more zesty lime flavor. Overall I really like this one shot though I will probably add some extra sharp lime notes (VTA Persian Lime or INW Lime) to the mix. For me i rate this one @9.5/10 do to the lack of a sharper key lime flavor. I would recommend to anyone who likes key lime pie.
Oh ya thats the way I like it!!! I mixed the rest of my 30ml KLP one shot as a 120ml @20% with an extra 1% INW Lime due to its high zest content and right after the shake this is amazing. It’s got that zing that it was missing. Definitely gonna have to get a bigger bottle of the JF KLP.
Well for any of you that read these reviews, you’ll remember that my bottle of Ultimate Pineapple was broken, and leaked all over the bag, and every bottle in it. FIRST TIME, that has ever happened to me in an order from Flavor Jungle. I didn’t even contact them, just (literally) washed all of the bottles off, and started mixing for my reviews. I actually DID mention the bottle in the UP review, but no harm no foul.
Folkart hit me up on the VCC, and said that the owner actually reads/read my reviews, and was less than pleased that I’d received a broken bottle. Pretty cool right ?? Sure it was. I mean what company does that, especially these days ??
OK, next thing I know, sure enough, the replacement bottle of U Pineapple arrives …
Bayou Afternoon (Ons-Shot) (Flavor Jungle) 14%
This is the first of two one shots I picked up from Flavor Jungle. The other being Key Lime Pie which I really like. I wanted really to enjoy this one shot. It’s described as a blend of southern leaf, juicy peaches, and a touch of bourbon. I was expecting a straight tobacco flavor with juicy peaches and bourbon. What I got from this is a really good straight up pipe tobacco. It was right upfront which was nice. And I could have vaped that all by itself. Then I got a taste of the peach flavor, and it wasn’t what I thought it would be. It reminded me more of the over-ripe apricot flavor I get from Jungle Flavors Honey Peach. It actually made stop vaping it as the peach flavor actually seemed too harsh to continue. I also didn’t get any resemblance of any bourbon as the peach would have overpowered it anyway.
All together I felt this profile has a lot of potential to be good but the peach flavor actually ruined it for me. I feel like if the peach was more subtle and in the background this would have been perfect. Just a hint of a natural peach would be great. The pipe flavor alone for me would have been 10/10, but having the peach being so harsh the whole mix is a 2/10. A real disappointment.
That’s so generous of him! Understandable since your reviews have had a huge impact on my purchases from them. I’m sure the same is true for others, too! And there have to be perks for you doing all this work reviewing flavors and one shots; free stuff!
I just made a huge purchase from FJ, including that Absolute Custard and their Blue Raspberry Reloaded. Am very excited for them to arrive. Maybe that custard will get an accelerated spot for a review? lol.
To be honest in my opinion the flavours that Sessiondrummer receives wouldn’t come close to paying for all the time and effort he puts in to being the number one Guinea pig and writing his reviews.
I can see why various manufacturers would send him their latest and greatest but in the big scheme of things I’ve absolutely no doubt they receive far more back from the buying public than whatever they send him.
If you haven’t had the chance yet, the absolute custard has turned into my go-to custard as of late. I’m a picky bastard when it comes to custards, I know I’ve easily spent a few hundred doll-hairs on various custard flavors and one shots (nothing compared to your stash, of course. Lmao)
Currently, the Absolute custard at 8% with FJ Vanilla Madness at 10% is really doing it for me. (I was skeptical of the Vanilla madness that high. But it really turned into something great after a month’s steep)
As well as a simple butterscotch version with Absolute Custard at 8%, FJ Vanilla Madness at 3%, and FW Butterscotch Ripple at 3%.