Just did my first mix

I just did my first mix


i dont see why it wouldnt be safe to vape , except the creams may need to steep b4 the juice is at its best besides that try it , good luck


Yay! Let the adventure begin!


Vape away, and you’re about to embark on a fun journey :wink:


if you can, try measuring some water in ml and then pouring into an empty bottle (like measure 30ml water for a 30ml bottle) - there is usually a gap between where the bottle neck starts and where the cap goes. You probably measured just fine based on this - it’ll give you an idea of accuracy for next time you mix :+1:

And congratulations - enjoy the adventure that is mixing :grin:

P.S Scales are awesome - grab yourself some if you decide to continue down the rabbit hole :smiley:


Stay with it and you’ll be a master mixer in no time.
I’ve never mixed without a scale but even with a scale I was nervous the first few mixes. It’s amazing how much your confidence will build once you get a couple of vapable mixes under your belt.



Just tried it after a few days of steeping, its not bad but defo needs something, Mixed Strawberry ripe 10%, Bavarian Cream 3% and Vienna Cream at 2% , it’s most likely me being used to sweeter vapes , i’m assuming they add sucralose or something in the commerical juices.


try different methods of steeping, you will find that one works better than another depending on the ingredients, creams can take a while sometimes to mellow out, sometimes they work right away. stick with a recipe and try each flavor profile by itself mixed in some base at the 5% rule (or recommended %) once you taste each one you will be able to find out what you like or dont like about a recipe, or you can pinpoint an issue and change it. I always start low and work my way up.


Yes - and lots of it!

You could buy some sweetener (e.g CAP Super Sweet) if you feel you need it. My taste buds adapted pretty quickly though and now I only use marshmallow or meringue as a sweetener, and that’s plenty for me.


Yes sucralose can help make the recipe taste better I usually only add .25 -.5./. For a mix if using caps super sweet go .25 if tfa go anywhere between.25-.5 I do notice if I add more than this it can actually ruin the recipes especially if it’s a more complex one, it’ll kill the subtle layers in it! If it’s a more simple recipe then can use up to a percent but I still feels it takes away from the flavor also! So ya .25-.5 works best for me! Ps go easy on the creams lol for the recipe you made above mine would look like this,
Strawberry ripe 6./.
Bavarian cream 2./.
And Vienna 1./. Or the same creams reversed depending on which cream you want to taste more of. But this is just my opinion! Hope this helps!


Yes definitely keep in mind that creams can mute fruits. Definitely let it steep for a bit and see how it is, but if the strawberry ends up disappearing I’d suggest cutting both of those creams down in half. Adding more than one strawberry in a recipe usually helps it stand out a lot better, too.