Just had to share this facepalm

When I just started out mixing, i tried following a recipe from here. I mixed it up, tried it and it tasted vile. Important to mention that I never labeled which recipe it was, never labeled the bottle…
I let it sit in the steep box, tried it after two weeks, and it was still vile. At this point I already didn’t have a clue what it is.
Today is about 30 days since I mixed it up. I opened it to try it just for kicks, and its amazing!
I think it’s one of the variations of tiger blood I tried, but i have no means of knowing what is in the mix.

Just a big :man_facepalming:


that goes to show what steeping your juice will do … hope you can figure it out some way , i would go nack and look at you ;" cream/ custard heavy recipes " grom a month ago , hopefully that will narrow it down



English Toffee TFA did that to me. Man it was so vile as a S&V I was certain I had wasted my money. A couple weeks later, I was even more certain I wasted my money. But two months later (I was pretty much out of juices so I rolled my eyes and tried again) it was actually pretty well accurate. I HATE waiting for steeping but I KNOW I have to.



I never knew someone wrote my bio!


Had a similar problem a month or two ago, except I had labelled my juices but while they were in the steeping box all of the labels came mostly unstuck from their original bottles and had adhered to their neighbors. I grabbed a bottle out of the box, glanced at the label that said “Cinnabomb” and loaded it into my bakery RTA only to be blasted in the mouth with an ungodly mix of tobacco(the previous flavor loaded into that RTA), pomegranate and pineapple sour. It seems that my Pomapple Ale and Cinnabomb had decided to play a cruel prank of “Guess who’s coming to dinner?”

Needless to say, I almost saw that night’s dinner for a second showing after that less than lovely vape. :nauseated_face::face_vomiting: