Kraken Red Lady clone?

Hi all, ive recently started vaping again after about 3 years of not. While clearing out some old boxes, i came across alot of my old DIY stuff (no i wont try vaping them :joy:)
I found an empty bottle of Kraken red lady and suddenly remenbered that this was one of my favourite flavours! But ive also just remembered, when trying to order some, it no longer exists! Which is one of the reasons i stopped vaping.
I did however find “The Kraken - Red” is this the same? Or has anyone got a recipe to a clone as close to red lady as possible please? This is the one flavour that kept me vaping and havent been able to find a flavour i enjoy as much since finding that.

Thanks all


From the original description of Kraken Red Lady it’s a cherry menthol with anise. It seems that the Kraken red has the same profile so I would assume it’s the same. Just a different name.


Thanks McDuckie, i did see that it looks the same going off the description but read somewhere its not as good. Will have to try it to find out i suppose


The more information You provide would be helpful, I would suggest first reading the helpful guidelines:


What color was the juice? Only reason i ask is i remember back in the day there was some pretty popular mixes with cherry and decadent vapor absinthe but you would know right away because the dv is colored green

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Ive had a look at the recipes and cant find anything but obviously it may not be called kraken or red lady. Will have to dive deeper into it. Not used this ELR in a few years so a little rusty

It was red mate

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