(LA) Bavarian cream vs (TPA) Bavarian cream question

I decided to get the (la) Bavarian cream instead of the TPA. I use it in most my favorites. Im wondering does anyone know what ratio I should mix it at, compared to the TPA bav cream? I think @SessionDrummer said half of what the TPA would be. I hope I’m remembering correctly.
I wanted to stop by and ask before I mix. Its mixing day today :wink:
I also got the (LB) vanilla ice cream. I’m looking forward to try this one too!


id use the same amount , LorAnn product imo isnt any stronger than tpa , it may vary a tiny bit , but not half


While I can’t answer your question directly, the recipe side of things show they (the TPA and LA brands) are mixed at just about the same percentages.


It looks about the same, according to this people use slightly more of the LA than the TPA.


Ok thank you both :wink:


I think I had remembered that incorrectly thats why I asked. Now that I’m thinking about it. I dont think I was talking to session drummer. I was talking to @MysticRose and another person. They inspired me to try the (LA) bav cream. So here goes :wink:


@Jazzy_girl You can also search your own profile to find that post. Click your name here and click “Activity” (probably already displays) then use the Search tool in the upper right to search on “Bavarian Cream”


Ok thanks for the tip


While others are saying usage is about the same, I find LA to be stronger, richer and more prominent in mixes. So for adapting recipes where TPA is used, I typically will reduce by around 1/2 to 1/3ish. In other words if a recipe calls for 6% TPA Bavarian Cream, I’ll use 3-4% LA (which 4% is a little high IMO). Average usage of this flavor for me is 2.5 - 3.5%.

I think @Ken_O_Where should weigh in here too. I think he and I probably use this flavor as much if not more than most.


ill try that. Il jot that in my notes thanks. Im looking forward to mixing it! (TFA) bav cream’s the only one I’ve tried so far.


My wifes main ADV is a peaches & cream mix that she came up with herself. Originally she mixed it with TPA Bavarian Cream, one time she went to mix it she grabbed LA on accident and mixed it at the same %, after a two week cure it was all one could taste or smell. Once we figured out her mistake i adjusted the % from 5% to 3% as she liked how rich the LA was. I knew right away what she had done wrong, the smell, but it was really fun to watch her figure it out on her own, not in the mean way…

We don know what the LA flavorings consist of but TPA Bavarian Cream is 30-35% water.

And @Jazzy_girl If you are considering Banana Cream from either company they are quite different. I see a lot of people swap TPA for LA in Strawnana Custard, i mixed it at an even swap once, it is a completely different recipe. LA is more candy like and works better with other fruits while TPA is more pudding like and most of the older mixers from reddit would say that TPA is better in desserts and cream mixes.

Just something to keep in mind when ordering your flavorings, those subtle and not so subtle differences can save you some money and time. I bought TPA just to try it in Strawnana and a tobacco mix, i havent used it since.


@Jazzy_girl I have not tried the LA BC yet (sorry). I am still hooked on the TPA BC at the moment, BUT, I’m never NOT looking to ADD something to my flavor den.


I can see why your wife loves it so much! Wow! I cant wait until my steeps now but this it so much better already!! Very rich and creamy! I’m so very glad I tried it!! (la) bav cream is definitely worth it! Also ty for the tip on the TPA & LA strananna :blush:
@SessionDrummer its definitely worth trying. I dont think this ones ever going to waste at all!


Yes, LA is much much better for me. Depending on the recipe, I usually cut 1/4 off what they use for TFA. So if it calls for 4% TPA, I use 3% LA. I hope that makes sense. It’s pretty even I think in flavor strength, but with the richness and density of the LA it’s more of a heavy hitter. In a good way :wink:


@MysticRose I ended up ordering a 4oz and I’m so glad I did.! And yes 1/4 that makes perfect sense, thanks :blush:

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@Ken_O_Where I’m ordering the flavors to make your root beer float, and the root beer fountain style (sc) (RF) is out of stock :(. Do you think the root beer float (sc) (RF) would work in there? Or what else could I use as a sub?


Honestly im not sure, i havent mixed this one yet tho i do have it. Rootbeer (LB) works quite well, its a bit more on the barrel roll candy side but very good in vanilla ice cream.


I made your Root Beer Float recipe except I subbed Root Beer Float (sc) RF for the root beer fountain style (sc) RF & whipped cream (TPA). Wow it turned out really delicious!!! Tastes just like a Root beer float!! Thanks for the recipe :grin: also, I really like the vanilla ice cream (LB).