one of my hobbies is repairing anything I have that breaks, which is eventually everything. I have both success and failure at times. I do make sure I weigh the cost. if it’s something I need right away I might go buy a new one but I would then maybe try an idea for a “field repair” just to see if it would have worked as long as it’s not too involved. My dad was the same way and I’m sure that is why I’m that way. We were the very last family of anyone my siblings or I knew that still had a black and white television. I’m taking like ten or more years after everyone else had colored TV’s😆 My dad’s favorite hobby was television repair. All our friends laughed about it and it was embarrassing but I know a thing or two about circuit board repair, component replacement and I learned good soldering skills. Most of all that repair is an option and not to fear cracking into something and learning from it, success or fail. Of course with a TV and high voltage tube you don’t want to go in blind, you have to be taught proper safety, testing, discharge, etc.
i have glued that small plastic pieces and now im gonna grind so the pices get good shape
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it didnt work i dont have a drill
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did they just break off ?
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no it didnt fit and then the hatchet got off:(
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ok, there seems to be something of a language issue here .
so. your saying the new tabs didn’t break off, but the battery lid doesn’t stay closed ?
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