So I’ve been using temp control successfully for over a week on 3 different devices and with both SS and Ti.
But now that it’s working, I’m curious: what’s the point again???
Maybe I’m doing something wrong?
The flavor isn’t as good, imo, than it was with watts and kanthal.
I’m twisting SS to even come close to kanthal, and if I don’t twist SS, my coils gum up (like never before) and I hafta dry burn them daily to rid this.
To avoid alot of negatives I find myself at 400° or less, but then flavor suffers.
I know how to toggle my watts to get the volts I want for flavor.
But I’m afraid I don’t know where to put temp and watts(or in some cases “soft, normal,hard”) in relation to flavor.
I want to understand this more, but I think I’m missing the keys to flavor success that others are raving about.
IMHO, temp control is more about avoiding dry hits and keeping your vape at a ‘safe’ temperature. If you’re using SS, just switch over to watts mode. I tend to do both. There are times when I feel like the vtc mini isn’t doing the TC thing well with SS (usually with the RBA on the crown or a SS coil on the magma) and so I switch over to watts. There’s nothing that says you HAVE to use TC if you don’t want to. As far as better flavor, I can’t really say I’ve noticed much of a difference either way except not getting any burned cotton hellfire in my throat every so often. I like TC most with using a dripper to test flavors because I don’t have to keep taking the top off to see if I’m running low. And in the Subtank mini it really helps to avoid the fairly often dry hits I was getting.
It’s interesting with temp control vaping outside in cold conditions, -30 my tfv4 takes off like a jet engine. At least no dry hit when tank half frozen and juice moving like molasses.
From my perspective I enjoy several benefits of temp control.
No dry hits. This is the main thing. When using drippers you have to be conscious all the time about how many pulls you’ve taken since your last drip or have “a feel” for when to drip again to avoid burnt cotton. Not with TC.
Vape consistency. When you “dial in” the right temp and power, the vape you get is consistent until the juice supply is gone whether that be a tank or dripper.
Customized vaping per liquid. Some juices are better at certain temps than others. Again, dialing that in means you find that temp, that sweet spot for the liquid you’re using, and can maintain the same level throughout.
Wick far less often. Since you’re not getting dry hits that break down wicking material, the frequency of rewicking is far less often Even more true when you run the same juice in a given tank/rda.
Safer. Face it, everyone who uses power mode in non-TC applications will get dry hits, even if only occasionally. Eliminating this is good because there can be no benefit from inhaling smoke off of singed cotton.
That;s my take on the point of TC. As for your other points I think @daath and @Pro_Vapes would be better suited than myself for helping there. All I can really tell you is that for each juice and each build, I find the power and temp that satisfies my flavor needs and then just vape away. I will say that I’m rotating between 4 different mod/tank setups during the day, and I usually pull them apart and clean the coils and rewick about once each week. The cotton usually looks like it could hang in there a while longer but the coils need attention. I use a nylon bristled round brush bit on my Dremel and it takes about a minute each coil to get them almost shiny clean.
I agree with @SthrnMixer… once it’s dialed in it’s happy vaping. VV/VW/MM has its peaks and valleys. A good TCM is more consistent IMO… especially vaping a tank.
Why are you limiting yourself?. There is a lot of room to hit your desired flavor. Somewhere in that temp range you can find the flavor. I very seldom vape below 450F. I get better flavor above 450F with fruit and desert mixes. I mostly vape tobacco mixes on the low end though.
I am stepping off the temp control roller coaster after 5 month’s it is not for me I like my twisted or Clapton builds way to much . To give them up never could get the flavor out of Ni 200 cold vapor or titanium it came close for the past week I have not seen the cotton or the coils in RTA just keep refillin and keep on going at 18/20 mils a day no problem .4 ohms 3 MIL center kanthal dual Clapton and great full flavor at 34 watts getting good run time out of my batteries like all day . Last time I opened the chimney up was to take a pic .I have found what works for me .And plan on sticking with it no more ordering something new every month trying to find way to make TI work .
Different strokes for different folks. That’s part of what makes vaping and DIY so great. Sure, it may take awhile to get there sometimes, but when you find something that works for you, you run with it. Glad you found that!
so my experience with tc was i jumped on the hype train by pre-ordering the vapour shark dna 40 waited ages because of all the problems with the first batch then eventually when i had it in my hands built some ni coils in the hobo v2 and thought this sucks! i diden’t feel the vape was warm enough for my liking so ended up with a really expensive 40w mod, so nearly a year later thought id give it another try i bought the koopor mini and a uwell crown tank and honestly im really impressed this setup has been in my hands for two weeks exclusively all my rda’s are just collecting dust i find around 480 is a good temp and i’ve just got a roll of ti to play with although my first build sucked because of my recent enlightenment i’m going to persevere
I love my TC - I get clouds and flavor in abundance! My DNA200-devices are best though, then IPV4S, eVic, XCube Mini, XCube and Koopor Plus. I know some swear by their claptons etc, and that’s fine by me. TC is the way for me
Well I suppose the same way dripping, or tanks or subohm vaping isn’t for everyone, neither is temp control. I know I’ve never been more satisfied than when I got onto it myself and through the help of some awesome folks here, learned how to make the most out of it. I look back on it and in just 3-4 months am amazed at how much the people here taught me and how much more I enjoy vaping.
Totally agree brother TC with both tanks and drippers is what I enjoy as well and also because people here jumped in to help me get on to the titanium wire for TC
I would love to have the answer for you @5prock3t but from what you posted it seems you have tried everything already and just don’t like it.
My first issue with TC only presented when I tried to use Titanium on the First run IPV4 I had. Seems they had a connection issue with the ground wire to the 510. Got the evic vtc a couple days later and smooth sailing ever since.
Maybe if you post some very specific details (what mods what coil spec’s etc.) someone might be able to figure out why your having issues
I rarely get below 450 degrees 75 watts with 7 wraps 26g Ti 3mm ID single coil on both the Lemo tank and Velocity dripper using the evic vtc mini and I am loving it
I have not tried everything just yet, I’ve got some 24g ti that I’m ready to try, and I’ve got a couple of other spools of ss to work with.
And somehow my evic went tits up during the last couple of days, but I still have 2 other tc devices o can use.
The problem I’m finding with tc is it doesn’t reach a self cleaning temperature. The coils carbon up on me a little to quick and before you know it I’m getting burnt nasty hits that are almost as bad as cotton imo.
Even my twisted ss tastes terrible after a day.
I like the consistent vape, but I’m finding it does come with some sacrifices, again in my newb opinion.
Totally true. I like to vape stuff that gunk’s coils quick. I have 3 juices I vape every day and 2 I clean and re-wick after every tankful = 5ml The other one I can push to 3 tankful’s but normally I do that one after 2 tanks.
I only use TC mode now and truly find it much more enjoyable. It was not always easy but once you get it working right it is not any more difficult in my opinion just different.
With ss you can. I just rewicked my bellus, pulsed the coils gently and shocked them in cold water a couple of times. Only took 5 minutes. Now I’m enjoying some chocolate custard and boy it’s good.
I love tc but I too am a convert like so many. In fact at first when I joined this fine site I thought tc was crappie… Not any more
So what are you guys vaping that guns coils so quickly? I know I run pretty high PG which seems to keep my coils clean…but vape 50ml on my way to work. Seriously, 0% nic, so I need to avoid that gunking stuff.
@5prock3t, I get you with the buildup tasting nasty. I also tend to run my coils on the cold side apparently. I rarely go above 400, but that’s just how I vape and what tastes good to me. I pretty much live on twisted 30ga Ti at this point, but I don’t get gunk until I go max vg…which is a taste I do not care for, I need a good kick in the tonsils 50%PG or more. I just hope I don’t get PG sensitivity.
What percentages pg/vg do you use? Also what brand of those? I use Bulk Apothecary. Honestly though, I feel PG really cleans the coils
I’ve never felt great about that in my lungs.