Lf banana ice recipe

looking for suggestions for a banana ice recipe similar to Frozen Fruit Monster’s banana ice. I’ve got TFA ripe banana, Fa candy Banana, La banana cream and koolada or Menthol. I also have things like EM, cremes, cotton candy etc… Thank you


Welcome and glad you joined.


Welcome to ELR @dranzerg :call_me_hand:


Avacado cream with lb van ice cream

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Welcome @dranzerg Looks like you got a winner from Rocky right out of the gate. I hope this spurs your creativity to mix many more.

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You could also try mixing something like Kilo’s Banana Milk which is really creamy and add the coolant of choice. I’d probably use TPA Koolada @2%

Banana Cream (TPA) 7.00
Bavarian Cream (TPA) 3.00
Cream Fresh (Panna Fresca) (FA) 2.00
Ripe Banana (TPA) 4.00
Sweet Cream (TPA) 2.00
Sweetener (Sucralose/Maltol) (TPA) 0.75
Whipped Cream (TPA) 1.25


I made the one Rocky suggested and it’s really good. I’m also going to try the recipe McDuckie suggested. Thanks all.


Hey Rocky, is the TPA Banana Cream REALLY a natural banana? I’ve had it with the runts lately and about to give up on banana. I usually gravitate towards anything that says soft or creamy banana just to be cautious. FA is known for their natural tasting fruits but I’ve never tried their banana. I just bought Soft Banana (SSA) (MB).

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Hey muth, I linked that recipe based on what the OP was looking for. I haven’t used TFA Banana Cream in ages but from what I remember it’s more candied and not creamy. I’ve had the Soft Banana Molinberry for quite some time but never tested it as I like Banana Custard VTA and Banana Flambé SA, usually a combination of both… :ok_hand:


Thx for the reply :+1:

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