Does anyone have good recipes that use one or more of these flavors? Thanks
FlavourArt Monsoon
FlavourArt Burley
FlavourArt Latakia
FlavourArt Perique Black
FlavourArt Shade
FlavourArt Dark Vapure
FlavourArt Virginia
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You could add them to your flavor stash and then search by flavor stash, or click on what can i make.
You could simply search the recipe database by terms.
You could check the flavor notes and see what recipes they’re used in.
Whether they’re good is a very subjective question, but you could just go by ratings (if there are any).
Use these very sparingly, they are great to spice up a tobacco recipe but too much can ruin your mix.
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Cool will do thanks all
I make the follow recipe:
Perique Black @ 0.5%
Virginia @ 1%
Dark Vapure @ 2%
Let it steep for 1 month.
Think about Cured Tobacco from Flavorah. Really great on its own, but perfekt with Shisha Vanilla
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