As I started taking my life a bit more serious, I decided to make a whole 360 switch. Not only did I stopped smoking, as so many other people around here, but I also changed my diet/life style to the same time. That was about 4 or 5 years ago, but I wasn’t very strict about it. Just a couple changes here and there, baby steps and not much of a noticeable result lol.
Around 2 years ago after some extreme and dramatic experiences in my life (not want to get into detail if that’s ok), I finally decided to be more strict and disciplined, as well as making much better overall choices, especially in my diet.
Lost 200 lb, or in other words went from a 6x X down to a S/M. It wasn’t easy but changed the way I see life nowadays. I go out more, and trying to be more open to things, especially people, which is not easy for me to be quite honest.
I reduced my nicotine, and since 11 month I am on 0 nic. Went from vaping 60 to 120 ml a day, down to well it I don’t know, because one day it’s more and others it’s less etc. But a 60ml lasts me around a week up to a week and a half.
I stopped being so damn obsessed with a lot of things, including vaping, don’t need a new mod/atomizer or 300 new flavors every day/week. Don’t need to mix 20 - 50 testers every night, or vape billions of different flavors all at once 
Sure I still can’t stick with just one juice, especially since I mix not only for myself, but I can finally mix 5-8 different recipes in bigger quantities And just rotate those, without losing my mind or sleep over it.
And funny enough, I did get a new hair cut and color lol, but not that important. Overall I would say, that it has been a long journey but something I needed to do, and I feel so much better. Looking back, I wish I could have slapped some sense into myself, but hey it’s never to late to start something new, right? 
So if you are trying to make changes, I am all for it, don’t wait too long if that’s what you want, and so whatever makes you feel better/happier/healthier and what not!