Limit on likes?

Does anyone know why they only allow 50 likes a day? @JoJo perhaps


the amount of Likes “allowed” will increase with the “trust level” When you reach Regular status you will get more.


Well hell, i had no idea about that. I did run into the limit quite a few times in the beginning but not as of late. Now i know why, hehe. Thanks.


no prob lol…I also think that the forum software etc is structured in this way to not have members just hitting the like button to get badges, levels etc willy nilly. (prob spelled that wrong lol) This keeps real people/members coming back daily and truly interacting. Makes sense to me if that’s true.


Willynilly, hehe. I say that all the time! I bet you are correct in your assumption. The forum has also told me to stfu a few times for repeated posts in a thread, wanted me to allow others to chime in, lol.


damn glitches in the matrix lol


Yup. Pretty much what @MisterSinner said. Because likes are tied into ‘reputation’ levels on the site and also to make sure they maintain meaning, they’re limited. At least, that’s what I understand from reading on the software’s site.


I was googling the other day for some help on a wifi camera issue I was having and wound up reading threads in a forum that uses the same software…after a few minutes I had a brain toot and was like “who the hell are all these people? and why are they talking about computer code and not vape stuff?” smh…yep


That’s hilarious! And sounds exactly like something I would do. :stuck_out_tongue:

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lol I’m sure…you prob have dreams about this forum at times since you and Lars are running the show.

I’ve had that moment too when i barged into the wrong apt lol.


Oh yeah lmao done that before!

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As usual Thanks for the great responses everybody. Always so helpful.


I got that! I was told my comments were 25% of the total conversation and please give someone else a chance. However, it was a tobacco thread and only 3 people participating in the conversation so someone else had more to say than me. I should at least have had a 33.3333333333333…% input before I got that warning :smiling_imp:
Dare I say I was offended! :sunglasses:


Reminds me of the time many years ago, I came home from work, around midnight, went into my apartment and ran into something, tripped, fell, got up, ran into something else, fell again. I finally crawled back to the door, and found a light switch and turned it on, to find out all the furniture in my apartment had been rearranged.

Turns out my then girlfriend, now wife, had decided my bachelor pad needed a woman’s touch and needed to be rearranged.

I should have taken that as a sign.


BT DT a time or two

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