What I mean is, when you’re talking to someone on the forum and they reference their recipes or you just get nosy, lol. But you can’t find them on the recipe side, either because their name isn’t the same over there or they have a common name. My name is different from here to there too. Is there a way to add a link on our profiles so when we meet someone over here, we can look at their profile and it’ll have a link to their recipes, even if it says “3 private recipes” or whatever? Maybe this is already a thing and I just can’t find it? Maybe it could have a yes/no option to allow this link or block it for the newcomers who might feel self conscious about it?
You could add it in the website field or daath might be able to add a custom field, I’m not sure if Discourse has that option.
Go to my profile you can see I added mine to my profile description
Hey Grubby! Nice to see you again! Yeah I figured I could add it for myself but was thinking more of the newer folks who are still finding their way around. It took me a while to be able to give a working link back to my recipes. I’m still not sure I could do it without some poking around, lol.
It would be simpler to have a field to enter it or have it auto generate but the recipe and the forum are 2 different systems.
To add a link to your recipes to your forum profile description:
Login on the recipe side, copy paste the url from your home page to the forum description
Right, I know it’s there I’d just have to look for it to remember where it is if someone asked, lol.
For me, when I’m on the forum and click the blue ‘ELR home’ link at the top of the page it takes me directly to the main recipe home page. I was thinking of a link like ‘User’s Recipes’ right by their name or something. But this is why I’m asking if it’s possible. Maybe it’s not.
Technically there is a field, but there was some issue in the semi-distant past that was causing serious issues with the forum when displaying “extra fields” like that one, twitter, facebook, etc. I don’t know if it ever got fixed.
EDIT: Not a specific field for a link to their profile on the recipe side, but there is a field for the ELR User ID.
Thanks @JoJo ! I kind of remember that now that you mention it. Sorry if this has come up before.
Coicidentally, I was just gonna post exact same topic, but found that Mizz Hobbit had already done it for me. Thanks!
I’m always checking out somebody’s forum profile and finding that it doesn’t give me the info I want. What I want to know, more often than not is , is what their flavour stash looks like? ( that is.do they have many flavours in common with me?) Would it be worthwhile following their recipes? Pretty damned valid questions, methinks. More than just idle curiosity.
Well, I know that info might be set to “private” but most often it isn’t . But I have one heckova time finding it.
Probably somewhat easier for most (once they’ve managed the first time, that is) . But me, I have a rubbish procedural memory, so it’s work it out afresh every time, just as if I were a newbie, and sometimes I give up, And sometimes the only thing that keeps me going is my recollction of sucessfully finding that info before! I can’t tell you how, of course, but I do recall that it entails typing their name into a search field, with continual checking back on the forum to be sure I spelled the name right! And then I lose my tab , more often than not. Repeatedly. It is gruelling!
One thing that might complicate the problem of proving a link: I’ve noticed that often, I’m signed in on the forum side, but _not_signed in on the other side , and have to log in all again. So, they are actually two seperate sites are they? And so it would be an external link, not an internal link?