Liquid barn cinnamon roll HELP

Hey guys, I have been using LB stuff for a few months and I am now trying the cinnamon roll flavor they offer with their pre mixed 3mg juice. The inhale has a cinnimony flavor but the exhale has a real harsh hit in the throat unlike nicotine. I don’t know what is going on or how to fix it. Suggestions needed!


cinnamon sometimes has a harsh throat hit on it own , personally i have to vape it in small amounts or with my air flow low , can you remix and add some cream or marshmallow to see if it smooths it a bit ??


That’s actually just what I was thinking. I’m gonna pick up a cream flavor from LB to see if it take the edge off of it. I just wasn’t sure it it was the cinnamon or just something really off. I do find the harshness goes away when using less cinnimony roll but a lot of flavor is also lost.