Liquid Labs (30% FLASH SALE GOING ON NOW!)

I guess it could have, I wasn’t chancing anything when I decided to dump it. I simply had 0 (zero) confidence in the product at that point. I don’t use products I don’t trust.


Absolutely! Without a doubt in sight.
And the straight up truth, is, now is not a time to fuck up. We have options. AND: with our impending doom leering over us, it is very easy to not trust a company, much less with a very good reason


Please don’t think I am questioning you in any way, brother…I have only top level respect for you…know this.


Regretful. Better advice would have been to dispose of the mystery 30ml and Priority ship you a replacement 30ml (or larger!) This is somewhat of a soft-launch here on ELR, and while it’s just we JuiceNerds, this discussion is Google-able world wide. It is a long holiday weekend, not a good time for fast turn around USPS. Hope this can be made into a happier experience …we’re talking about a very small amount of cash to resolve even with Priority shipping ($6.50?) …the bottle likely cost more than the 30ml of 0nic VB


I received my sample, tried it, wasn’t overly impressed so I won’t be using Vapor Base. What really put me off was that the vendor didn’t know the specific weight of the product, couldn’t really say much about it other than it’s kinda like 30pg/70vg. I want control of what I vape so… noooo thanks to Vapor Base.


I wondered about that myself…digital scales to the thousandth are what? $50?


You would think they would have digital scales out the yazooo…


Thank you SO much for making this public Brother.

The first red flag for me was them asking in a public forum for someone with scales that would weigh there product for them. SERIOUSLY @VaporBase and now something like this,

NO excuse for this level of incompetence.

I truly hope this story spreads throughout the vaping community like wildfire.


That is another perfect example of why we will be regulated by the FDA. I strongly recommend that everyone who mixes invest in a Nicotine test kit , they are cheap.


You know, I haven’t really given it enough thought, but I recently bought some 500mg nicotine for storage. Maybe it’s time for some testing. Could you possibly recommend a good test kit? I’ll buy one immediately


I see they are out of stock right now but most all DIY sites have them.I think you can even look up on YouTube and you can buy everything needed at a pool shop.IIRC

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I just ordered 2 from ECX…while I was there I tried ordering their unicorn bottles that I have ordered in the past and all they have now are childproof unicorns…is this part of looming FDA sanctions? @wvsanta do you know about this? You are the one that turned me on to these…


No but that really sucks because I need to order more but not if they are different. I have tried to find another source for them in the past because they had run out but every bottle I ordered from other sites either had the smaller tops or the larger tops.


I ordered one single one of the childproof unicorns…I’ll let you know!


Please do, I could live with the childproof cap if the bottle is the same.


Follow up on my experiments. I tried the 4 testers at the 1 month steep test yesterday. I had 2 SF, and 2 complex mixes. I’m not going to go into specifics on each individually as over most results were the same.

Oba Oba, Bread Pudding, and Coconut Complexity had flavor, but it was much weaker and for want of a better word, more dull in flavor when compared to my usual 30/70 blend. Almost one note, all the highs like the bright vanilla and cinnamon were muted to a mediocre level. I’m thinking the whole PDO removed bitterness also means it removes those top notes as well.

The closest match was the Third World Custard. It was actually good, still had the thick mouth feel and custard flavor, so it was good, but not great and not as good as the usual 30/70 either. But the vanilla part of it was dulled. Tasted like a buttery custard missing vanilla extract.

I would have to make an all VG mix to compare fully if the flavor is better than all VG, and therefor worth the trade off for those with allergies. However, being the flavor whore I am, at this point I will stick to my usual 30/70 mix as it’s much better.

Overall, I am sad about the poor practices and issues that have come up from the this company throughout this thread, as well as the fact that something that was so promising to those of us with PG allergies has not proven to work as hoped.


Beside a great(good) product, we here in the forum(and no doubt everywhere else) want transparency…we want honesty. We want to know that each and every single one of us is as important as the whole. That is, after all, what has made this forum what it is…ELR. (Mic drop)


With all that has come forth with this company I am seriously wondering if there is something in this base they are not disclosing. I have noticed that there have been some very mixed results along the way. In light of all that has come out I am seriously questioning there quality control standards.

Many times TO MUCH of a good thing turns bad. I still think PDO holds promise for those sensitive to PG but only thru more testing that includes how much PDO is actually added to the mix.

I just have a feeling that when mixing there base with VG base flavors and PG base flavors all combined together strange things are happening.

I hope that someday we will see a trusted vendor like @Walt_RealFlavors find a way to make some pure PDO available to some of us for testing.

I have lost all faith in Liquid Labs and at this point I would have a very hard time trusting anything they have to offer us.


Thank you for sharing your experience; folks need to be informed of such issues.

I’ve become a fan of knowing exactly what I’m vaping, especially on the nicotine front. Nicotine titration kits are not that expensive and the process of using one is not at all difficult. The process proves, without a doubt, the nicotine mg/ml content in the base one is using in DIY mixes.

If it is not possible to titrate VB, one is being very trusting of the vendor to properly mix the base with the proper amount of nicotine.

Your experience definitely does not inspire trust in VB or LL.

I’ll stick to reading lots of reviews, purchasing accordingly, properly titrating and adding that nicotine, which I know for a fact is “X” mg/ml, to my mixes.


@MysticRose Now at three weeks two out of my four mixes have started to loose their sharpness as well.The Glazed Blueberry Muffin as well as the Bread Pudding recipe have definitely become muted.The change in the Bread Pudding recipe I don’t know if I would have noticed had I not still had some of the original I made on 4/12/16 to test against.The Glazed Blueberry Muffin the change is much more dramatic as it lost all notes of the Cream Cheese Icing (LA) and a high percentage of the Blueberry Muffin (RF). This mix is the first that I can say I feel has become a bit harsh.
My Kiss The Blarney Stone mix hasn’t changed any that I can tell.It is interesting that you have noted a more buttery taste to your Third World Custard mix as the only custard mix that I made was a completely new recipe I made named That’s Right and I feel that it is more buttery as well but I can’t say that it has lost any of the Vanilla top notes as of yet.
I don’t know if you have tried (RF) French Toast before but it has an awesome butter flavor profile as well as a light maple flavor that I love and I did use it in this recipe.
I also feel that the PDO does effect flavors differently , some good and some very bad.I feel for those who like mixing a S/V they will love it providing they can overcome the rising other issues that seem to develop weekly.
As of now I am still going to use VB on some of my mixes but I am only going to use it on small batches that I feel I will vape within a three week max period.I am also pretty confident this will especially be true on any sweet and sour flavor profiles.
@VaporBase I like the rest find the incorrect labeling of nicotine to be inexcusable . Every vendor must have a way to have trace-ability and they need to double or triple check these orders before they go out. They need to implement a lot number and a batch number so if a customer has any questions or concerns they can go back and see exactly every detail about that mix.
I can forgive but you are going to have to convince myself and many others that this will never happen again.I hope you realize the severity of this event and use it to make you a better company.