Liquid Nicotine Wholesalers Anybody use them?

Not sure what is going on with the LNW website tonight, been trying to checkout but gets stuck trying to get me a shipping price. If I refresh that page it logs me out so I have to log back in and it gets stuck again trying to get me a shipping price. Wish I would have checked out yesterday, it was working fine then.


Just checked @mjag, shipping price loads now.


Turns out Chrome was just being buggy, switched over to firefox and just one hiccup but was eventually able to get my order in. Thanks for letting me know @SessionDrummer :+1:


I got my order yesterday from LNW i got a litre an asked to break down in 2 500ml bottles they did I got the no hit salts i broke the seal on one bottle to test took out 20ml to make a few simple mixes i like it better than the pur nic salts seems real smooth i gased up the open bottle an stuck in freezer i will get the salts again hoping for a sale around BF on it

plus got in 3 days from Az to Massā€¦ fast and packed well


Great news @AlanS. What type of bottles are they shipping their NIC in ?? You said you ā€œgased upā€ your bottles, what are you using to do that ?

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the bottles are like an opaque type plastic bottle i will decant it when my boston rounds come in I gas the nic with argon gas after i open them its a heavy inert gas so its a layer of gas below any oxygen in the bottle you can buy a can of it on amazon called wine saver or something like that i use it from my tank on welder it adds nothing to the nic no flavor nothing been using a few years now since most mic like from carolina extracts use argon alsoā€¦ a two second shot is all u need just to add that barrier


Session this is what a lot use for nic i read on other sites

they say u get like 75 uses from a can


I told you so!!! :smiley: They are the absolute best!! <3


I have used the base before an was very good sorta like nic select this time i tried the salts an glad i did i have nic fromā€¦ carolina extracts ā€¦CNT ā€¦ Nic select ā€¦ pure nicā€¦ chemovatic and i put LNW in my top 3 now


Thanks @AlanS didnā€™t know if you were using a wine saver or bottled gas. You break down to boston rounds, glass ?? I ask because mineā€™s arriving today, and Iā€™m glassing up.

I had been using this, got a small bottle of argon, not as easy lol.


yes i will break down into glass bostons as far as the gas lots use the wine saver with great results i just had the gas here so used it I am looking thru my links to find u some thing its a plug thats fits in the mouth of the boston bottle it has a Luer lock in it it seals it self after u draw from it just screw in a syrindge draw and after done it seals no air gets in at all

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try to put a nozzle on it like on spray cans of oil or solvents just insert nozzle an 1-2 sec burst

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@alans, thank you, I already have the luer locks. Thank you though !!!

you have these self sealing ones


Yes you should


Thanks for the link to buy these sealing caps i have been looking to a place to get them. Unfortunately they appear to be assholes who jump to conclusions - for no rhyme or reason they refused to fill my order and sent me a covering letter to explain why - really wtf.

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Just wondering, do they not sell their products to the general public? What would make them think you wanted the stoppers for ganja derivatives?


(Seemingly, perhaps) even weirder still is why they would dispatch their Senior Professional in Human Resources (aka ā€œpersonnelā€ related affairs), Todd A Hole. Guess that he is the closest thing that they have to ā€œrisk managementā€ council, bewaring the Cannabinoids surely ā€œbehind every bushā€. ā€œHomeland Vigilanceā€



Good eye, I thought it strange that the HR VP would issue a denial note, but missed that his name was Holeā€¦T/Hole is an A/Hole (never met an HR executive that wasnā€™t down deep a true A-Hole).