Seen this on tv. Unreal
Just another arrow in the quiver of those looking to ban e-cigs. Vape stash in a Barbie House, now pot in an e-cig. Now all we need is a story of a child who “thought” he was vaping an e-cig when it was a JuJuJoint. How nice that with one fell swoop your entire collection of vape equipment could be labeled paraphernalia by the Feds.
I think he is hilarious and clearly a trash bag.
Sometimes when you meet people, you can tell they’re a prime candidate for self medication… This guy is patient zero
He IS the stereotypical Bong head LOL I however watched the whole video and laughed so he’s doing something right regardless
Yea, I watched till the end too… I like weird people, just wish he woulda smoked a little before starting the video… dial down the hype a little
I think that’s his " Charisma " lol he is very lucky he smokes out in fact he should always so that he is dialed down.
It’s like a bad rip trippers impression. It was really hard to get through the first 10 seconds.