I know it’s been forever since I’ve checked in but I’ve been busy. I finally found a nice assisted living community! I moved to Owensboro,KY 6/1/19. I’m still surrounded by packing boxes but we’ll get there eventually. But I’m not unpacking today. Today I’m back to surgery as bladder tumors have returned. I’ll try to update next week after biopsy results are in
Fingers crossed for good news!
Good thoughts. Nuthin’ but good thoughts.
i thought it said bladder tremors… and I next thought. I too get bladder tremors when eating taco bell.
Praying everything comes out alright!
Sending good vibes your way!!
Wow, I didn’t realize how long it had been since I checked in! Thank You All for your well wishes. I wish I was checking in today to say all has gone well and I’m happy to be back…but, that’s not the case.I checked in today to say goodbye.
My health has continued to fail, MS was finally diagnosed after I developed Hydrocephalus which took out vision in my left eye. I’ll be talking with brain surgeons in a few weeks but Hospice has already been brought in. I truly hope the surgeons have a better outlook on this than I’ve been told to expect but I’m not expecting it as medical care is pretty far up the food chain already. I never know from day to day what’s going to work but today is a fairly good day as all my limbs are working & my mind is working well enough to put thoughts to paper. It really is the “Little Things” that make life better.
I was able to convert my aid to vaping & coached her how make e-liquids. It’s been a blessing that everyone who has been involved in my care since 2014 has converted to vaping, by now I’ve lost count how many it’s been.
I wanted to say thank you for the e-mail updates, they help me keep in touch & I appreciate them. Hopefully there are still good days to come so either I or my aid will pop in to see what your all up to.
Be Well & Stay Safe
@HoneyGram57, although I did not know you, anyone in the ELR family, IS family. We will keep you in our prayers, and was saddened to hear of your news.
I wish you nothing but the best, @HoneyGram57… I too do not know you, but I hope they will figure something out and you will remain with us in the land of the living! make sure your aid introduces herself, and I know she will find a spot here… I hope next time, you will have better news for us.
Try your best to take care and relax… God has you in His hands!
Best of thoughts being sent your way @HoneyGram57. Your adventure isn’t over yet. May you have times of calm and peace amidst the turmoil.