Hey am looking for a good recipe for your sweetest liquid you have experienced am about to put in an order
any help appreciated
I’m using liquid Stevia you can get from the supermarket. It is real, plant based and doesn’t give an artificial aftertaste. Have you tried it? I’m a real ‘sweet eater’, so vaping to me is a really wonderful thing. I can have my sweets all day long. Only other thoughts I have on which flavors are sweetest (and I’m not very experienced) is I add TPA Gelato to some recipes. It doesn’t seem to change the flavor much, but it sweetens it up. Also, i’d recommend using Marshmello (sorry i’m a poor speller) rather than EM or Cotton Candy - They are the same thing and it is said they cause flavors to go bland over time. Therefore, I recommend if you are going to use cotton candy or ethyl maltol (EM), use it and vape it - don’t put it in mixes you are going to steep or store because it will cause flavor loss over time. I hope this helps. Do post more questions and maybe more people will respond.