Looking for non fruit recipes, tobaccos etc

Hey folks I have been DIY for about 10 months now and am turning out juices that I like. Mostly tobacco based. I have tried a bunch of fruit recipes which were highly rated and have come to the conclusion that fruits are just not my thing. Or if I do like them, no way I could ADV with them. Most of my recipes use FA Soho, FA Burley, FA Cuban Supreme, FA Black Fire, RY4D, Hangsen USA Mix, FA Shade. I have tried a lot of tobaccos and have a lot to play with. Have some Hangsen Red coming. I play around with creams and some dessert flavors mixed with these, like Bavarian, Cinnamon, Caramel, Cheesecake Graham Crust. Coconut works well with tobaccos. I drink a lot of beer since I work in a brewery and my ADVs always need to work well with beer. Not too sweet, nothing over the top, no perfumey notes. Anyhow, I’m looking for ideas if anyone feels like sharing their thoughts.


How about an ashy taste? DNB Inawera do a great job. You can turn almost everythink to tobacco like.


SthrnMixer has an excellent tobacco recipe you might want to try.


You may like Smokey fruits. Ones that I call dark. Billberry FA can be bright but pairs well with dark.

BlackBerry FA. It’s very strong but I get a dark Smokey note that I like.

Mango flv can be made darker as well…when paired with milk and honey flv.

Sadly I can’t expertly add tobacco info. Hope the above opens a door for fruits and your taste.


The understatement of the century lol

You can dilute this in 90% PG and still use it as a super concentrate :person_fencing:

Sounds like NET is your next step



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Lol. Yes. But if you put on your man pants it can be vaped. If comes out oddly sweet but Smokey. Oh so good. I need to test my mix one more time before posting it. But it does require a 4 week steep. But the sweetness had me thinking I added sweetener to it…very odd indeed.

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Lovage FLV is a nice additive to tobaccos it helps tone down obtrusive notes or just helps blend. If you haven’t worked w/ it, it is extremely thick and when you’re pouring it from the dropper I’d say one drop would most likely equal 2 . I describe it as a vegetal note like most ppl but it seems to be more than that to me, more of a woodsy vibe which works well with tobaccos.

here’s a few of mine as references


Also Liquid Barn has a couple flavors I like to pair w/ stronger tobaccos
Butterscotch graham tobacco, vanilla cream tobacco https://www.liquidbarn.com/collections/tobacco-flavors
I have them all but those two would be my favorites.

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I use the FA Black Fire in almost all my tobaccos to get some smoke. Haven’t tried the DNB is it different? The Black Fire is just straight up wood smoke, nice in small amounts.

I’ll check those out and try a couple. Thanks for the link.

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Never heard of Lovage! I will put it in my buy list and pick some up next order. Sounds interesting. Thanks Amy.

I do not have the Black Fire but I’m sure it’s different. DNB it is not wood smoke. It have a taste more like the smell of an ashtray if go to high. 0.5% for start it is a good point.

I like smokey. I’ll try the Bilberry. Since I don’t much like fruits but might like them as a small addition what percentage to start at?

I would look at the notes on the recpie side. A vast majority say low as well 0.25% ranges. But I have been known to go 1-2…which is against the grain.

However, if you are just doing an accent note low is much better.