Looking to make: Help with a blackcurrant pastille flavour

I have just had a craving for a blackcurrant pastille type flavour. Any suggestions on which blackcurrant flavours to purchase have never tried any.

I went through a plethora of Blackcurrant flavours when I was trying to make a Blackcurrant licorice last year, I found the Decadent Vapours one to be the best of around 5 that i tried, needs a steep though :thumbsup:


Nice wouldn’t have had a clue, is this the right thread to put questions like this


There’s no right or wrong place to ask questions on here Tony :wink: if you need an answer we will be happy to help…this isn’t ECF haha :thumbsup:


Always looking at the categories and thinking should it be here but I am definately a blackcurrant newbie no a pre-newbie :wink:


Do you remember you used to be able to buy packs of only blackcurrant pastilles. THEM so juicy another disapointment round the corner ;(

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do you know what I know a guy that might be able to pull this off for you, @Kalahariuk makes a lime jelly that is amazing, I bet if you switch the citrus lime for blackcurrant it would be damn close, it’s not a public recipe though so I can’t guarantee he’ll give his secret up haha


Lime jelly sound great too hope he does :wink: The secret would be safe with me of course

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oh he definitely won’t give you that one lol…but he might tell you how he got the jelly so bang on.

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Just found CAP Jelly Candy maybe a small amount would help never heard of it before

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neither have I actually, could be worth a punt :+1:

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LOLOL, You make it sound as though I am sitting on the coke formula :wink:
Cap Jelly candy is good … don’t overdo it !

I don’t have any black currant until my next order, but I have been working on (and failing at)
a fruit pastilles recipe for a while !


The category “flavours” would be better, fixed it for ya :wink:

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Cheers Grubby wasn’t sure if flavours was meant for specific manufacturers flavours talk.

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Thanks good tip as I say I didn’t even know it existed.

FA King is one of my favourite flavors. 4% is great if you are after a blackcurrant pastille.