Lorann cream cheese icing

Hi everyone

I have a problem here, I have several recipes from ELR which require lorann flavors, in particular cream cheese icing. Does anyone know a good substitute, cause I cannot find it in any of the shops around here. Also chefs flavors UK and rainbowvapes UK don’t have it. So if anyone knows a good substitute I would be really happy :slight_smile:


Frosting Flavorah is a good sub for CCI LA.


Thank you, I will order it right away :hugs:


The Frosting FLV is very concentrated and it only need about .2-.5% in most mixes. It also has a vanilla back note to it, so keep that in mind if your mix has vanilla in it already, you might need to reduce the amount of added vanilla.


Cream cheese RF(SC) is useful for frostings. Use at low percent (2.5-.5%) and needs a steep. I keep 60ml premixed so I don’t have to wait.


if you’re in the UK or well outside the US, give (FA) premium custard a try.

To me, it has the same plastic-y notes LA CCI has, the bottles do even smell nearly identical, which is weird but whatever lol.

The only difference is that the premium custard is a bit heavier/thicker in comparison to la cci but it’s no where near a actual custard in taste, texture and mouthfeel, but definitely a somewhat good cream cheese nuance heavy flavor, just like LA CCI.


Thanks, I searched for premium custard by FA, but I can only find normal custard, would it be the same? Don’t know, but I will order it and will see:grinning:The only other option (at least in the shops I usually order) is flavorah frosting, so I will order that as well.


FlavourArt regular custard and custard pi are not the same or close to premium custard.

Custard (regular) is very lemon prominent and much thinner.

Custard pi is the amplified version of custard, where FA decided that 5kg of lemon zest can’t be thrown away, but rather put into a flavor and that’s what custard pi is lol.

None of these would be a good sub for LA CCI unfortunately, so save that money. Of course if you just want to try it, go ahead and keep it, I’m just basing it on the question about subbing LA CCI.


No, you are right, I am looking for a substitute, so I will stick to flavorah frosting for now. Thanks for all the info


As PV suggests or you can buy it from Chefs

I assure you Lauren’s is Lorann



Great, Thanks woftam.

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FLV Frosting is really good. i use it in my frosted flakes recipe… amazing

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where are you shipping to?? I know a company that carries it [Cream cheese Icing (LA)] and I still have a huge bottle of it…


I live in the Netherlands. Some brands are hard to come by here, But chefs flavors UK has Lauren’s and wolftam saod it is the same, so finally found it😊


As @Pro_Vapes said FLV Frosting is great sub for Cream Cheese Icing LA. right know I am running low on Frosting, so I’m having to use up some CCI. In fact running low on a lot of flavors , but got plenty of subs, that will bring up my total recipe %. But I need to use them, don’t like to waste anything.