Lost Vape Scro.... um.... Scotum


actually, it a good name, it means Shield. it just sounds funny.

your not alone, but his style is a love or hate thing. me, i am in the middle. while i don’t see anything he has done lately, he seems like a “tell it like it is” thing.


I can appreciate that, and that not all makes need to be accountable to the English speaking masses.
Probably just my own bias / ignorance. Still I wouldn’t want to discuss it with English speaking people because I absolutely know I’d get it wrong and keep talking about my scrotum power and the overall feel.


exactly = the language barrier thing, they can speak it, but don’t fully understand it. i find that sometimes even with UK folks.


I think they could have found another word that meant “shield” that didn’t look like a body part. :tongue: :eyes: :nose:t2:

His style seems over the top. I have a friend who’s from New Jersey that says that guys from there all talk/act like that. She wasn’t surprised by his speech or mannerisms.

You make a good point about his “tell it like it is” thing. There are so few reviewers that do. @Aphonic mentioned Todd who never finds fault with anything he reviews. But really, do any reviewers say anything critical about anything significant in their vids? I’ve seen them mention minor stuff but never heard them flat out say they thought a mod/atty was a failure. I think that’s how they keep getting free stuff sent to them, but that’s just my opinion. (btw, that’s what Jai Haze was ranting about - he was saying he has to buy all the stuff for his reviews and why he was going PPV so he could afford to continue to do reviews). (oh yeah, I’m NOT a subscriber to Jai Haze’s new PPV channel). :laughing:


i could be wrong, but i think he meant Vic. i like Vic a lot, seems like a real good guy and i mostly trust what he says. but yes, he doesn’t find much fault. maybe he is just easy going, or he doesn’t want to offend so he gets more free products and/or chase away viewers(like Haze), probably both. he is disabled, so his income from the reviews is much of what he lives on.


no, he’s doing it for the money. i don’t fault him for it, not at all, i wish i could do it.


I must be getting old…

I don’t know how you got scrotum from S C U T U M… the words look and sound totally different to me and have completely different meanings.

But then, I don’t understand a lot of supposedly funny stuff, like any US or UK sitcoms. Perhaps there is just something wrong with me. Oh well. Lol.


its the way the mind see’s words. that, and i’m warped :crazy_face:


Yes being relatively binational I see a fair few things American don’t get about British English and vice verse. My Italian girlfriend is still trying to understand my use of American and British slang, though as we live in London she has a better mastery of the latter.

I joke with her that Italian is easy because there are only 1000 words, 750 of which are adjectives and just get combined.

Like the word for goalkeeper is literally doorman. Which is also the word for doorman. And something else I don’t remember. But then they clarify with gestures. So maybe they should have called it


Also it was Todd I was thinking of but vic is another good example. I do get it - I just wait for the real world user reviews on ecf or potv (or here!) now.


I think it’s simply the phenomenon of word recognition despite missing or jumbled letters. It’s the reason the FCUK ads went as they did and other such things.

Obviously some people are going to see things others don’t. Probably means you aren’t as childish as myself. The minute I glanced at it I saw Scrotum and had to double check!

Either way, it will be interesting to read how the mod performs!


That’s what he said in the rant (read bitch). :laughing: I think the fact that he’s got these different levels of payment, ranging from $3/month (sold out) to $500/month shows that hell yeah, he’s profiting in a BIG WAY. (btw, I went back and checked - boy, was I ever wrong when I thought the top tier was $99/month). :roll_eyes:


Getting old? (j/k) I just don’t “get” the humor of most sitcoms. There have been a few over the years I’ve enjoyed, but they’re a rarity. I was going to say I could count them on one hand, but I still have fingers left over.


Didn’t see that at all myself, even when the thread was totally about that… I was a prodigious reader in my younger years though so that may be the problem. :rofl:

Agree, am quite interested myself. The price and availability will be the issue here. I only buy from either within Australia or New Zealand if necessary, and prices for anything DNA are ridiculous from both.


wth is got for $500 a month ? his ol-lady on her knee’s ? or maybe even him :rofl:


You are right, I have already gotten old… (no j/k) lol

I have never been good with “in your face” humour. My wife will happily sit and watch sitcoms for hours, just drives me up the wall personally.


Good point. I think a quick glance at Scutum in caps beneath the shield logo and the first U could be mistaken for a O. From there it’d be easy to subconsciously add in an R. Who knows, maybe it was intentional on their part. Any PR department will tell you, sex sells.


There are 8 levels of membership. Here they are. You know you wanna sign up :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


doubt it. in fact, had they known the current outcome, i bet it would have a different name.

very true. but i don’t see “hairy ball sack” being a big seller :rofl:
maybe they could have called it the Flatulator(i made this word up, then found its a real word, lol)


Ugh, my ex (and all of my friends, come to think of it) are into “body humor.” I just don’t understand how something that would amuse 3-5-year-olds is comedy. He and I still hang out, but that’s one thing I refuse to watch with him.