None of us ‘need’ so many toys but it is essential that we offer a home to as many as possible.
try as i might, try as i may.
The potential for sophmoric humor is just too much.
I may need rehab or something…
Damn you Lostvape!
yea, this is one that could be “ran with”. i am restraining.
Yup hard to derail something that didn’t have rails to begin with
This right here folks, is why I come here…bwaaaa haaaa haaaa.
Oh @jinx_d I did see your pm I will try and reply tonight, sorry. Been running like crazy. I mean let’s face it. I too, need to get myself in shape to handle that new Scrotum…sorry, such a bad attempt at humor.
Where are they dropping…as in which vendor(s)?
they say 2 weeks = who really knows. where ? idk, probably the current vendors. price = no idea yet, but probably more than i am willing to pay.
this is jai haze first 100c mod.
this is his newest, i think 100c. but i don’t pay any attention to him at all now, he has gone pay per veiw, and i ain’t pay’n
Pay per view? He thinks he’s that good? Well, he does have his fanboys and gals. Maybe they can float him for awhile.
I hardly watched him for free, pay? Not in my lifetime.
The mods below I believe are DNA250C and you can change the outskin. I hear with each purchase you get a free Affliction t-shirt too
yeah, there is some web site where anyone can do that, idk what it is. and yes, he has people that will, well, you know. i don’t dislike the guy, but i’m not paying to watch him. and it think its like $25 a month.
I think it is Patreon and that was the only way you can buy his mods now too, exclusively for Patreon subscribers.
yeah, i think thats it. he must be doing good, his FB page has gone down a lot since he started it.
i don’t think so, but, they will come down in months. even at $99, idk
Interesting, with an absolutely terrible name. I guess maybe I’m alone in finding Jai Haze to be as or more annoying than most non vaping related you tubers. The highlight of his career was the boxer tirade, if I’m remembering that correctly.
Did l miss the price? I know people love dns mods, and I have several, I honestly don’t know if I find them better than many other things- and I find their temp control to be seriously over sensitive at times - requiring constant resistance locking where others don’t. Even the I stick pico is less of a pain to deal with.
There are different levels you can pay and you get different stuff, nfc what. I think the highest level is $99/month, the lowest is I think $5/month.
He did some rant about not doing anymore free vids, now if you go to view it you get him advertising his paid content.
You’re not alone, I find the man profoundly annoying: He wastes a large part of his videos on unnecessary drivel and forced drama. I only ever watch his stuff if Vic, Mike or the Bogan haven’t covered what I want to check out.
I think his affected accents upset me the most. I can’t really be more specific in writing but it’s very forced. Anyway. Power to him if he can make money on YouTube vape reviews more than YouTube paying him.
I like Phil Busardo in some ways. But his reviews are WAY too long and at some point he has to start operating on the assumption people know how to build if they’re watching a rt/d/a video. Bogan is funny
I know a lot of people like the Scottish guy - is it todd? - I have never seen him say a negative thing about anything, ever. I haven’t watched them all but I’ve seen enough to think there should have been something wrong somewhere. I’ve bought gear he loved and found flaws almost instantly. can’t get past feeling like high end mod guys, if not flat out paid, are so in love with status and free gear that they shy away from Objectivity.
There’s an American guy I’ve started watching, his name escapes me, I only ever see him when he pops up in a feed. He has a Thanos infinity stone glove behind him and doesn’t GAF about being delicate or faffing about with 18 minute wick jobs. He’s enjoyable to me. I’ll find his name.
I can’t say I think much of the Jai mods posted. But taste is subjective and I can’t help If he doesn’t have any
Was this a partnership between him and vicious ant?
yes, but women will like the feel of it