Making Some Juice from very limited concentrates. On my Knees humble beg for help

G’day Vapers,

I have been vaping for 10-11 years and live online. I recently found this forum through a calculator and would like to ask for some assistance, please.

I’m planning to vape until the grim reaper shows up for a toke. I saw the insanity of the Australian Government’s encroachment on vaping, and I’m currently waiting for my main order to be delivered from HiLIQ. Just in the nicotine of time, as I was limited in what I could afford after being homeless for years and just got back on my feet. I grabbed what I thought would be the hardest to get and now have 200 mg nic in 250 ml.

I need a go-to recipe using the concentrates I bought. This is for my tank with my last coil (I’ll use my old RDA as soon as the cotton arrives). The last coil has been in 3 weeks, equivalent to a 5 carton cigarettes and using one filter. Right now, the only thing in it is 5L of PG/VG and a few drops of store-bought juice.

I don’t know much about mixing recipes despite my research. You all seem familiar with the concentrates, so I hope you can help me with a recipe that works well. Here’s what I have available:

  1. HiLIQ Concentrated Flavors:

    • Double Apple, 100ml
    • Cinnamon Roll, 100ml
    • Cherry, 100ml
    • Power Monster, 100ml<< no idea what this is I thought i had at least 4-5 250ml concentrates. Im about to cry knowing this won’t last long.100ml.ahhh
    • Wafer Biscuit, 100ml
    • Sweetener for E-Liquid, 100ml
  2. Cooling Agent for E-Liquid, 30ml

  3. Unflavored 100-200 MG/ML Nicotine Base, 250ml (PG 100%)
    60ml Wonder flavors Cherimoya sc
    I am open to any flavor as long as it tastes good. What do you recommend I make and vape this afternoon? Additionally, I’d appreciate any advice on recipes that I can make well and steep over time.

Thank you for your help. I’m looking forward to contributing to this community and not being a burden.

Best regards,


This is the only i have that you listed…


I dont have any of them but id cinnamon roll would go good with biscuit and doubke apple


ty for this. any recommendations on sweetener and ratios that have worked for you with Wafer standalone


Yeah I can see that sounds delicious. If you were forced at an alien invasion and they robbed us of all other wing it and its the last flavor ever you could make. Or ya got stoned and had a go. what would the recipe be. including sweetener ?
If i may drain ya brain. or anyone else that’s bored and wants to mess with me or help . BUt TY TY that sounds nice. good call.


I dont know the strength of those flavor but i woukd make the cinnamon roll the star so id probably start with a ratio of like 4 parts cinn roll to 1 part each of the apple and biscuit then like .5% sweetener.

So just for example
4% cinn roll
1% apple
1% biscuit
.5% sweetener

Another you could try is like
.5% cherry
1% cheremoya
.5% sweetener
1% cooling

The power monster im assuming is like monster energy drink and if so you could prob vape that solo
So like

2% monster
.5% cooling
.5% sweetener


Hiliq flavors are typically pretty strong the wafer biscuit in my opinion isnt reall a dtand alone flavors. I would start at .5 pct and mive up to 1.5pct with .25pct to 1pct super Sweet until you find your sweet spot.


So wrapped. I did not even think i could make anything from that combination. You all make it seem reasonable to do with recipe as i can follow a recipe.
So stoked to wake up tomorrow do some research on the tube hands on. run recipe and relax for a year minimum without worry of low supplies and this fearmongering gov . I’m good now. That will be great. Ty a ton peeps. This is a soul quencher as it was doing my head in and it was all squashed by your kind assistance. for u,
A good man. Follows the rules. none of you are good men. police judges rangers
A Great man. Follows Himself. This is this forum. ty