Making the best of it

I always wanted one of those! If you only knew how many youtube vids I watched and how many self cuts I gave myself. What a mess!


If I could show you all the youtube self haircuts I performed on myself…but I’m too embarrassed.


Holy crap! I didn’t know they still sold those things. They were a lot cheaper back in the day. I remember the comercial showed a very calm dog getting a fur-cut with one. A family member had one and we tried it on our dog and that dog fought its way as far from it as it could. Human haircuts looked…well like you cut it with a vacuum cleaner.


Ran outta beer money,
Heading down to the Bank to make a withdrawal !


Crazy, they let me right up to the teller no questions asked! I can see alot of bank robberies happening in all of this!
Got my supplies now!
Oh yeah and something for the Lady😉


That Mod (in your posted picture) looks a bit like an Nth-Generation Star Trek Phasor Gun, dude !


Actually I got that from Mork,
Nano-Nano !


Or maybe it was this one :face_with_monocle:


Don’t Tase Me, Bro !


Ok no derailing, back on subject. Making the best of it, spent some time Remodeling this week;


That’s really a lovely artistic rendition of the New York City skyline, there Rocky !


Jim looks to me like a man who has finally achieved True Foral Bliss. What’s his secret mantra ?


You all are going to giggle… :stuck_out_tongue:
Here is my making the best of it…


Meet Rocky the dog lol Yes that is his name… :slight_smile:
Im thinking on picking him up from the shelter and he is currently being fostered. around a year old… has manners and looks like he would totally be cool to hang out and go for walks and runs!!

Trying to figure how how to take him home now… I sure hope he has no holds on him… I have a spot here that will do just fine :slight_smile: He is too cool… looks like he needs a bath tho! :rofl: and a touch on the skinny side… I bet he would love some pb cookies!

What ya think, @Rocky02852 about my dog?? haha!!! :innocent: :grin:

I guess I was too late. They have appointments booked up, and well I am on the waiting list…
Gee… :cry:


Yeah, that’s definitely a “Rocky” :+1:
Hope ya get him SB!


My oldest doggie is a shelter rescue. Got him at about 9 months old, and he had already been returned twice! First home was apparently abusive and he was too weird for the second family, I guess. He’s a total curmudgeon. Anti-social, not interested in much human contact (my kind of dog really). But he’s fluffy as heck and we all quickly grew to love the little clown. The kids used to use him as a pillow and he hated that! He’s 12 now and surely not long for the world by now, and we’ll really miss the old jerk when he hits the other side of the grass. Oops, sorry, that ended a bit melancholy.


I really doubt I will be able to… They are doing the “social distance” thing… and making appointments, and there is already a waiting list… No wonder why people use craigslist… gesh!!!

Im trying to stay positive, but they can not even confirm they have me on a waiting list… who knows?

I might be better off finding a breeder and buying a puppy… :slight_smile:


Phil, I know what you mean… I have been dogless for a long time now.
I used to raise Scottish terriers… I had my main boy, Mr Man… he was just awesome!
Papered champs for a blood line, totally high strung, but he was my dog and there wont ever be another one like him. He died in my arms the last ice storm we had. He swallowed part of an old ball he had dug up, and I didnt know it… I couldnt get him to the vet, my entire driveway was 6 inches of ice. I miss him still…

It’d be good to have another pup around the house… but right now… haha!! social distance my butt!! :stuck_out_tongue:

The right one will happen… just need some time to find him. :slight_smile:


Well, to shake off the sad vibes, I’ll put up a funny story you reminded me of.

We had a dog a long time ago, when we still had babies in the house. He was great. But, he had an affinity for toddler socks for some reason. Seems one would go missing occasionally. Anyway, one time he was outside with us and he stopped to do his ‘bidness’ -on the driveway of all places.

Well, when he dropped his deuce, it bounced! It was the shape of a dog flower but it was actually a missing baby sock. I asked the wife if she wanted it back; she declined… Funny dog, that guy. I laughed at that for a long time for some reason. I guess it was the bouncing turd thing.


Oh my gosh!!! well it’s true… what one puts in… it has to come out somehow :stuck_out_tongue:
That is funny Phil!! but you guys got lucky… :smiley: :rofl: :smiley:


Tried to make the best of it today, hit some trails on the old mountain bike…been about 15 years lol I can still catch a little air though:)