Massive flavor change what happened?

Greetings! I am a recent convert to DIY vaping. I have been mixing my own juices using exclusively flavourart flavors, particularly coffees. Up until recently I was using the ecig I started with… the extra large vapor zeus. The flavor of my juices has been outstanding so I decided to take the next step.

I purchased an evic VTC mini 3.0 with uwell crown tank. And bleh. All my flavor is gone and the vapes are worse. I know this is my fault but I cannot figure it out. Help please!!

Since I your juices are good. It’s the device setup.

Which coil are u using?
0.5 ss coil, 0.25 ss coil, 0.25 ni coil? Personally I disliked the ni coil. Some love it though.

How did you prime the coil? To get the best result you feed a bunch of liquid slowing through the top of the coil until it comes out the ports. Then put the coil in the tank fill it…wait wait wait. Wait some more. Then slowing work from low watts to high watts. It takes Atleast a half a tank to a full tank. To get the flavor back.

How how many watts/power are you running your device at? Mine on a ipdvd2 on a point 0.5 ss coil I sit at 52-55w. And the v is around 5. The 0.25 I sit about 72w and around 4.2v

Thanks for the reply. I am using the 0.5 ss coil. I tried temp (this model can do temp in ss) and watts.

I primed by saturating the top of the coil several times until it look decently primed although I did not see it come out the ports.

I was trying lower temps like 400F up to 500. It didnt seem to fire well at 400 but is too hot for my tastes at 500.

Watts I tried various ranging from 30 to 50.

Do you think my problem is due to sub ohming vs the 2.5 ohm zeus? Or maybe coming from a drip style to a tank?

Did you say from a 2.5 ohm to a .5ohm?

If going from a 2.5ohm to 0.5 it’s surely different.

I havnt tried mine in temp. And my mod doesn’t do temp for ss.

Surely every mod runs alittle different so in power mode results can be alittle different.

So as long as you primed the coil right…like I said going from 10w primer puffs to 15w primer puffs. 20 and so on. Then you may need to go up to 50-55w. It is a user preference and taste ability.

What I mean by user reviews you’ll find reviews saying the 0.5 ss dual coil watt preference between 35-45w. Welp it didn’t work for me…but at the 50-60w it works great. So I blame all that on device used and such.

I do get a warm to hot vape, but I love the flavor. Sometimes the drip tip does get too hot for my liking. But that’s when I chain vape.

Thanks guys and ya I did say 2.5 to 0.5. Now I’m wondering if what I want might be accomplished by a higher resistence like I’m used to… basically a cooler vape and more flavor. Or maybe a dripper idk.

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