I’ve been tryin just about everything I can think of. I describe the flavor to those who haven’t had it as a smooth cinnamon-y, menthol, mildly sweet type of flavor. It’s not a Fireball or Fire & Ice. But kind of a combination of the two but leaning more towards Fire & Ice. Arctic 50/50 with 2 extra flavor shots @ 6 nic(along with GWAR Jizmoglobin) is my daily and I’d love to make and enhance my own. Ingredients I’ve tried are Cinnamon Red Hot(TFA, PG based), Menthol Crystal solution(created from MFS crystals & PG), Sucralose(MBV), and Menthol(TFA). Not all these flavors at once, usually combos of 1-3. Am I missing something? I get stuff that’s too sweet, or too Red Hot-ish. My percentages are off or I’m not thinking of a key ingredient. Should I try a different cinnamon? Fire & Ice has been the closest… Any ideas? I’d like to go 30/70 @ 6 nic. But if 50/50 or 40/60 is what I gotta do, well… any suggestions or ideas are welcomed(even criticism)
Side note: been working on a Jizmoglobin Clone based off recipes found here and they’ve been great starting points and awesome vapes on their own.
You could try Koolada in combination with menthol, koolada with add the cold kick without the menthol taste and works great to enhance menthol type vapes. Never had the vape but it sounds good. Or perhaps they are using Extreme Ice in there somewhere too, its a combination of mints and menthols.
When i ordered from MBV i would always get in in 6mg with 4 flavor shots then cut it in half with VG when i got it.
Thanks! I’ve been kicking around the idea of Koolada. It will be in my next flavor order. Any ratio ideas to start with? I can work out the percentages with that, I think. And your dilution idea is a good one too, until I crack this beast(been buying the 236ml bottles)
Koolada is pretty potent stuff, i generally use it in my heavy menthols @ 2% to enhance the coldness. Here is one of my heavy menthol type vape recipes:
Thanks for the help! Will definitely try your suggestions, and recipe, and maybe throw in some cinnamon(it’s stuck in my head that it must be in there, lol!) I will try to let ya know how it turns out!