Oh no those were the best ones imo that are available
They do not have dark chocolate on sale but it is still tempting…
$23.99 for 15ml
Good gawd. I am not nearly through the Flavorah and Nature’s Flavors rabbit hole. But, been wanting to get some Medicine Flower so jumped head first with Mango, Mint, Orange, and thanks to glowing reviews by @SessionDrummer, Guava. And since I was on their website and since I never order from them, I grabbed EF Yellow Mango and River Goldeneye.
Thank you @scifoc. I hope the review do them justice, and can’t wait to hear what you think.
I have never had luck with guava…your review on River Supply or whatever it is called now inspired me to try one last time!
Well I appreciate you taking the time to read that review on River Supply. I do a lot of tests, so many times I have to re-read my notes to keep them all straight, and yes, that Guava is just damned spot on. I still use CAP’s Sweet Guava, but they ARE completely in different camps. MF does fruits VERY good.
This is hard to quantify, but probably one of the TOP MF fruit flavors I’ve tried. Now when I say the top, it means merely edging out many others by a tiny bit.
Do me a favor @scifoc post back after you’ve tried it, and let’s see what YOU think. Our tastes could be different. Make sure to keep it LOW, no more than 0.5-1.0%.
Ya @SessionDrummer has been the SFT god send …Its hard enough doing SFT , but then to put in words that everyone can understand…thats a thing of beauty and for that I award session with this and also the Fiddy
of honor
Whaaaaaaat? I didn’t know it was award season, if I did I would have gotten off the couch and tried harder…on second thought…probably not
Congrats @SessionDrummer, reward well deserved
Um i only hand them out so often I do belive I awarded you for yiur reviews a couple years ago…lol
Yeah but when I received it I made a gigantic display case and wanted to fill it up…it’s OK, @SessionDrummer deserves it for all the hard work …don’t worry, the donation for the Fiddy scholarship fund is in the mail…wink wink
Must be my short term memory failure kicking in again. Thank you @fiddy.
@mjag I might have you beat by a handful of flavors, but you’ve got me beat in the hardware arena !!!
Tax Free organization …will post links money will be used for the advancement of my future …I mean other people’s future
Looks like they’re still on sale! Soooo I had to pick up some myself.
Looking forward to trying the Coffee,

Not sure what I’m gonna do wit the Blueberry

Rated 11/10 ?
Green Apple Mf is very, very good!