Merriest of Christmases to all, hope everyone had a quiet Yule!
Peace to all and to all a good night!
A very Merry Christmas to everyone at ELR , from us over at VC, Here’s hoping for next year to be absolutely nothing like this one.
Have a great day everyone
Merry Christmas to the ELR Family. A resilient bunch are we, things will get better and 2020 can suck it!
Here is to the future happiness and success for us all.
Merry Christmas to ALL, hope you have a safe holiday season and a prosperous New Year !
Time to clean off Santa’s sleigh, got a busy night ahead
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy vape year.
Merry Christmas everyone!!!
I started spending more time here this year. You’re all a good bunch. Merry Christmas everyone.
Merry Christmas!
Happy holidays everyone!
The weather guys got it slightly wrong as far as the temperature for Xmas day. It actually got to 40.4C (105F). A pretty hot last 5 days…
Think I’d prefer some of that cold and snow to be honest .
I wish u the very same my friend(s) & may 2021 be a hell of a lot better than the BS we dealt with throughout this year!
I wanna come where u r shit…, I hate the cold!lol
Happy Holidays to all! Appreciate all I’ve learned from you.
Careful what you wish for @St3v0 . In my experience it’s easier to get warm (and sometimes enjoyable too) than to keep cool. This is all subjective of course . Cheers…
Lmao…, I can withstand heat a lot further than I can the cold! & besides, when I’m cold & warm up all I want to do is go 2 sleep…
In all the science fiction I’ve ever come across the 21st century was always shit.
Let’s hope reality is better