Misery loves company

I hit them with their own stats. Such as, go into my records and you’ll find that I was diagnosed with COPD and prescribed an inhaler. Both are now gone and have been since shortly after vaping instead of smoking. Check my other stats while your at it. You’ll note an overall improvement over the past five years again coinciding with my choice to vape. I appreciate your caution for the unknown but I can’t make my choices based on the boogie man. I fully understand UofM’s political policy regarding vaping and I find it disgusting.


Well dammit Walt, THAT’S how you do it !!!


Thats messed up :rofl::rofl::+1::upside_down_face:


In my case it’s more the administration at fault than the doctors. U of M is steadfast in dodging hot political topics. The doctors are issued statements they will use for these issues. Incredible oxy moron that our healthcare is purported as free market yet the gooberment has such a strong influence on how medical practice is conducted. This all comes from the origin of the master tobacco agreement. Most of the doctors I have encountered are pretty good at expressing “I can’t comment further” through passive communication. I don’t hold them culpable for that. There are things they have to do to continue practicing and overall they do more good than harm. I do however question the administration. Does the gooberment really have that robust of a stronghold or is this politically convenient.


@Fordf150_Angelo Sorry this happened and hope you heal well. Give your self the best chance at a full recovery.
Like others have said, some docs don’t get vaping at all. Over the years the language has changed for “smokers”. It used to be “smokers”, then “tobacco users” and now it is “nicotine users” for insurance purposes. My doc would prefer me not to vape, but she acknowledges that I no longer get pneumonia every few years, no longer get respiratory infections every year (sometimes more than once per year) and per my yearly CAT scans, my lungs are as clear as a non-smoker. I wish medical providers would take the time to read more research articles that are unbiased. And wish they would listen more to their patients who vape instead of smoking. I am willing to face that vaping may not be 100% risk free, but compared to smoking I believe it to be magnitudes safer.


Hard to get a study today that isn’t biased because the people who pay for the study are biased. People who do the study are afraid to bite the hand that feeds them.
As for doctors the CDC and FDA are their gods. What they say goes . They were taught it since day one of medical school. It saves the doctor a lot of time not reading studies not in their specialty. Lucky for me the doctor’s here would rather I vape than smoke.