That is fantastic, does it work well? It produced this combo for me, now I need nutmeg.
Pecan, Lemon, Nutmeg, Vanilla Extract, Apple
That is fantastic, does it work well? It produced this combo for me, now I need nutmeg.
Pecan, Lemon, Nutmeg, Vanilla Extract, Apple
I have not mixed anything from there but it can give you some ideas and some funny names - the % are pretty low in most cases so it may work out
WTF it does %'s, I’m heading back now. I thought it was for food.
oh wait sorry i thought you were talking about the crazy mixing machine
ya the other is for food but it works for juice too. yes it works very well. Sorry for not reading properly derp lol
Jokes on me.
Well thanks very much @marsh885, and thank you for passing it on. I can see myself frequenting the site.
I played with the crazy liquid machine, and it came up with a combination of lime, cardamom and coconut that rang a bell. I looked it up, and found this cake recipe. I’m still playing with an e-liq recipe to go with, but I think it has potential. I only have three cakes, though FW yellow, Nonna’s cake, and Purilum Simply cake. Maybe I need more.
did you mix it yet?
Nice to see that Cucumber pairs well with Pomegranate! I got the puke face on my suggestion up there! @Sprkslfly
No way…I’m with you on your suggestion. Gonna try to mix that up this weekend.
This happens to me a lot, I usually go on the clone requests section on reddit for ideas to go after. Some are interesting, some are not.
I don’t know about the cucumber-pomegranate thing yet, but it does sound workable
Nom nom, I love Italian Rum Cake. This recipe looks good. Italian version has chocolate cream but I don’t need that. Thx for the share.
Ah, I was just going to ask if anyone had a recipe for a lazy mixer. I just can’t seem to get up and go and I do have a couple of recipes I could make. I’m down to one old standby and that’s running low. How do you inspire yourself? I can blame it on the weather…rain/sleet/cold and gloomy. Help!
That is usually enough to inspire a session for me!
That one is referred to as the “Drunk Mixing” app. Try it, it’s fun!
Ya’ll make it worse. There’s so many good suggestions here that I want to try all of them, get overwhelmed and collapse.
It was nice that of all the flavors in that stash, I picked those, and they happened to be on the pairing chart you posted right after I got negative opinions on the choice. Hooray for intuition! I’m going on a hunt for extracts/concentrates so I can try it. Cucumber can’t be easy to work with. Should be a good challenge for me.