Hi guys I have been mixing my own single flavour for a few months now and want to try mixing the concentrates I have just bought inw strawberry and PA cheesecake (graham crust) to make a strawberry cheesecake just wondering what to mix % wise so I don’t waste the juice thanks👍
What is PA ? Do you mean TPA (The Perfumer’s Apprentice) ?
If so, I suggest looking up ‘Cheesecake (TPA)’ on ELR and seeing what the median
percentage used in mixes is. Same with the Strawberry. Look up either Strawberry Shisha (Inawera)
or Strawberry (Inawera). Depending on which you have. That will get you started at least.
Hi Yes we are wondering if it is SB Shisha or just their Sb from INW it makes a difference.
Here is a link to the calculator for the SB Shisha http://e-liquid-recipes.com/flavor/25089
And CZ Cake GC is here http://e-liquid-recipes.com/flavor/79841
If you have just the Strawberry ( SB for short ) by INW it is here http://e-liquid-recipes.com/flavor/2160
Once you build a recipe and save it you can click on the concentrate and it will link you to the suggested ratio page this is a page where you can write your notes on it, also when your there you can scroll down to the bottom and click on recipes that have been made with that flavor !!
It’s a lot of fun and welcome we’re happy your branching out more flavors !!!
Thank you for your replies @Alisa yes I mean (TPA) and @Amy2 it just says strawberry here is the link so you can see for yourself http://vapable.com/product/strawberry-inawera-flavour-concentrate/
I am happy to branch out to as single flavours are getting a bit dull now
If I had to start over my advice is to start slow. I made the huge mistake of playing the wild chef buying 30 flavors with bottles flying everywhere not working on basics.
There’s a lot of 5 star recipes on this site, most of them are pretty good. You could start with a very popular 5 ingredient recipe or try adding 3% Capella Vanilla Custard to a couple of your single flavors, that’s kind of a staple in a lot of recipes…