Mixing Order

Just curious … Is there an order in which each liquid is added when mixing
I have seen nic first, nic last, PG first ,VG first, flavor first etc. what the hell is the correct order for mixing (if there is one) personally I think it makes no damn bit of difference it gets mixed up with a frother maybe nic last might be a good idea
in case you screw up while adding other parts so not to waste the nic which costs the most. other then than I don’t know. Any thoughts out there on this?


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You can do it whatever way you want, but I like to put PG in first because it’s so thin it’s easy to overdo it. I can pour some out if I put too much in.


Oh I’m sure everybody has their own system. I’m not sure if the order makes a difference but I always start with PG and Nic, then the flavors and the VG at the end. My theory is that flavorings mix better with PG than other components so I think it may be a better distribution of the flavors.
However, this is not at all based on any scientific research or something. Just what I think may work. My results are pretty consistent so it can’t be such a bad idea.


I do a similar thing pg then flavours then mix then vg mix then nic mix.

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I agree with that thanks!

Your way makes sense too thanks Wof

I always start with nic first, if there is a mistake, it can be undone… then flavors, pg, then normally top off with vg (or really close to top off and fine tune the last little bit of vg weight if needed).


Ya i can see the benefit of that - reason I add last is If I waant to apply some heat I don’t want the nic heated at all - plus I have a dispenser for the nic bottle (saves me putting on gloves and impossible (ish) to make an error) same as the one below.


My tendency is to put flavors in first, nic, pg, and then vg last. It seems to partially incorporate the pg based components into the vg that way, so less shaking for me.


That’s exactly what I do. Nic, flavors, pg, swirl it around, then vg last.


Me toooooo :+1:


Flavors, nic, PG, VG. Not sure why. But it works.


Nic, PG, VG, Flavors…cuz that’s the order it is in the calculator. If I tried to switch the order up, I’d wind up losing my place. LoL. I don’t use heat and I use a thingy to mix, so that order works just fine for me. :slight_smile:


Flavors, PG, VG


I mix by the order they are in on the calculator same as already mentioned.Like JoJo stated this helps me keep everything straight.I also keep flavors yet to be added on the left then I transfer them to the right side of my scale after using them.

The other benefit of going by the list is that the nicotine is the most expensive part of our mix. As CallMeTut has mentioned if we make a mistake and put too much nicotine in first it is a simple fix by pouring it back in it’s container and starting all over.

The majority of my mixes I use a handheld mixer and some I do use heat. I have had the heat effect certain flavors but I have yet to heat any mix so high that it changes the taste of my nicotine but I can understand the arguments on why we should always add the nicotine last.

I don’t really look at it as a right and wrong way but more of a what works best for me.Only two things are required when mixing, handle the nicotine safely and have a little patience for the long boring steep that awaits!:grin:


I’m just using the nic and PG first because in some recipes there is barely any PG so i use the PG in the nic solution to have a bit of a base for the flavors. But at the end of the day the difference is probably not worth the effort.


I mix VG, PG, Flavor, then nic. I figure I want to be sure everything is right before adding the more expensive ingredients. I blend in 100 ml batches so the cost is more with a screwup…


Nic > Flavours > PG > VG. Just coz.


so you give it bath then after the bath add the nic? makes sense to avoid heating the nic I never thought f that I like that !

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Thanks everyone for your input I appreciate the help!