Mixing with VG Flavorings

I’ve never had VG flavorings until today. I got some Real Flavors today. I mixed a stand alone French Toast @ 10%. It tastes good, but a lot harsher than what I’m used to. It’s perfectly vapeable, but not what I expected.

Is the recommended 10% assuming a 100% VG mix? Mine is 65 VG. Also, I did change the flavor from PG to VG on the calculator. I could try a higher VG, but won’t be able to do 100 because my nic is 50/50.

The RF line does strike me as a bit harsh initially. All my single flavor mixes with the VG flavors I’ve mixed at 10% and the seem to settle down after a couple of days, although the standard is to try and let them steep for at least a couple of weeks, and preferably a month or more. VG is not the best carrier for flavoring, and tends to take longer for the flavors to fully mingle and get happy with each other,

Even the raw extracts take some steeping to taste right, and more to get really good. I got some of the french toast extract in yesterday, and right after mixing it was really off tasting, after 24 hours it’s much better, and will just improve with age.

@MysticRose and @Fozzy71 are a lot more familiar than I am so hopefully they’ll be around shortly to give you more input!

Hope this helps!

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Yup that helps… Thank you. I’m planning on letting it steep because of all the info I’ve read. I just was expecting the opposite at first… an unusually mellow throat hit.

I can’t believe how the French Toast smells out of the bottle… exactly like how I make it. I can’t wait to try out all these other ones I have.

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They definitely need time and make sure that you shake the holy shit out of the concentrates before you use them, i mean a lot of shaking. I dont normally suggest anyone use heat on their mixes but you may want to take your finished liquids up to 90-100*F until thin and shake them. These will take awhile to fully homogenize especially if VG is the only carrier.


That was something else I noticed. It doesn’t seem to be any thicker than any pg flavorings I have. I’m sure it is… just doesn’t seem like it. Also, when I shake it it doesn’t coat the unused part of the bottle and slowly slide down like my VG does. I’m assuming the actual flavoring dilutes it, right?


They do, yes. They are also in Palm based VG which is a bit thinner than coconut or soy based VG. I dont know Walts extraction methods but i assume they arent mixed from powdered flavoring so the base flavorings are in some kind of carrier, how ever minimal. I could be wrong on that tho.

The extracts are pretty damn good too, i have a few and am loving them.


Ok cool… Thanks. I was expecting it to be super thick, so it threw me off a little when it wasn’t. All of them I have smell delicious, and almost seems sacrilegious to mix them with other brands.

Edit: Forgot to reply to @Ken_O_Where 's reply directly.


Im not sure what has stopped me from putting a straw in Bread Pudding and drinking it straight…


They definitely need a good steep, the longer the better, both the Raw and VG flavors. I test mine day one then every few days and they keep getting better and better. My French Toast is the Raw extract version and I did it at 2% but could see myself trying it at 2.5 or 3 percent next time I make a big batch. I only let my 2% tester steep for about 2 weeks before I decided I wanted to make a 100ml batch of it.


Not really much I can add, everyone else covered anything I would have suggested. I mix at 30/70, so the 65% VG won’t be an issue. It will actually help as pg carries the flavor better. VG flavors are definitely not recommended for the inpatient…damn my red headed temper…lol. They are not S&V. They are Shake and steep. And steep some more. And then, just about when you think they are ready, steep some more.

Also, anything with cinnamon (like the french toast, bread pudding, cinnamon custard) or acidic flavors need a few extra days to calm down. Even the PG ones do, and extra with VG.

Welcome to our life of waiting. The flavors are worth it though!!!


Glad I ran into this post…I have some RF coming next week and excited to try some of their flavors. Steeping should not be a problem for me, but has anyone tried using a Ultrasonic Cleaner or maybe coffee warmer and shaking it every 15-30 min.
When I am in a hurry or impatient or both…I have used this process to simulate the steeping process…and even though it may not be as good as steeping for 2 weeks to a month it seems to work pretty good. I also use a 70/30 mix

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I did crock pot baths on a couple of mine (VG, Raw and non-RF flavors) using the warm setting (NOT low setting). I mixed the tester first with my badger paint mixer, gave it a 90 minute bath, another spin with the badger, and another 90 minutes in the crock pot. I am really not sure if it helped speed up the steeping process (it may have but I am a newb to DIY and doubt I could tell the difference) and at this point have decided the extra steps/mess is not worth it now that I have lots of big batches and small testers in various stages of steeping.

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I haven’t tried heat steeping. I don’t care what it does for some of the flavors. I think @dwdh586 has, but don’t quote me on that. There is a huge difference in flavor after a 4 week steep minimum though.


What I do is heat the VG flavoring first. I shake the hell out of it, premeasure the liquid and stick it in a 110 degree water bath for 15 or so minutes.

The other flavorings, PG and VG, and stevia (if needed) go in a separate mixing beaker. The nicotine is added after the other two beakers are mixed and cooled. Please note that when the VG flavoring is heated properly, it will darken a little, and as thin as water and very fragrant. Strike while iron is hot, or in this case, the liquid.


I do use a USC when using the flavorings from Real Flavors.I find the heat really helps bring out the flavors , I set mine at 45 degrees Celsius and do a 20 minute cycle.I have in the past used four or five 20 minute cycles in the USC with a 20 minute rest between cycles.
I can’t stress the importance of shaking the devil out of them before you mix like Ken said earlier, I try and do this to all my flavors but it especially holds true for them.Even after you have a finished e-juice I still shake them before vaping.
The Cinnamon notes especially tends to separate and collect on top ,but again I do this with all my E juice that has a cinnamon note.

So it’s been (almost a) month and this french toast flavoring is getting really good… I can taste the eggy-ness/syrup/bread flavor now and it’s smoothed out quite nicely.

As a side note, I made a bottle of Bronuts replacing the CAP chocolate glazed donut with RF boston cream pie @8% and that’s turning out to be quite good as well. I’d recommend it to any Bronut fans.