Mods Blowing Up are in the News

So my brother texts me yesterday and warns me my mods are going to blow up and kill me. He saw a story on the news showing videos of people caught on security cameras and such having mods blow up while using them, or in their pocket. I tried to explain to him this is the media’s way of trying to make vaping look bad to John Q. Public to help make it easier for the government to pass new regulations on vaping. He kept on and on and no matter what I said he thought I am soon going to die. Finally, I told him… “See? It’s working already”

I went on to ask him how many times the batteries have blown up in his RC cars. And warned him his cell phone could go off at any minute. I told him to throw his electric toothbrush away and go back to scrubbing the old fashioned way. We use batteries in our every day lives. It’s not uncommon for people to have at least one power source on them these days.

This is a war people. And we don’t have the means to get our voices heard like the government does. We don’t have billions of dollars at our disposal to influence the media and politicians to help us win this battle. So tell your friends. Tell people that don’t vape. Enlighten them. Any time someone says something about vaping, make that the opportunity to educate someone. Word of mouth is a very, very powerful thing. Pharmaceutical companies and Big Tobacco companies are aligning with key players as we speak. And the media is going to help them by throwing every bad piece of evidence against vaping into the limelight for the world to see. It is our job to do the same about the positive side of vaping.


Just imagine all these lonely women blowing themselves up from the inside with a battery powered vibrator. It is pretty wet in there ladies, I wouldn’t risk it :smiling_imp:


I don’t know, but I think I like your example LOT better!


If a picture paints a thousand words, then why can’t I paint you?



Funny how rare it is to see 18650 flashlights blowing up in the news, it happens about as often as mods.


Yeah its unreal. I seen a video on a guy buying gas. And he took a vape and the vumes ignighted. Im sorry. Thats got to be a special kinda of stupid lol

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A direct result of generations being taught WHAT to think and not HOW to think in some schools and families.


Maybe because you’ve spend all your money on flavours and not on paint and canvasses :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


LOL, that’s great! I need to smile this morning, thanks .


My sister’s son-in-law told her vaping puts fluids in your lungs. She told me about it. Then the next day he said it to me, and I was ready.
I told him … You’d better be really careful when you take a shower because you wouldn’t want steam to get into your lungs!


LOL that’s a good one there, we get so much moisture in our longs on a daily basis. I had a friend try telling me that vaping was giving ppl a fungus in there longs and killing them. Funny I cant find nothing on that one. I asked where he seen that at, you will love this. He replied with, I SEEN IT ON FACEBOOK. LMFAO , It must be true if its on Facebook.

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I have to deal with some big Fat ones of those. You can never teach them so why even try. It’s like dealing with big dumb horses. You can make them do what you want and that’s about it.


This is actually a pretty good read. Keep in mind in the human body there are tons of different types of bacterias ( doing what they’re supposed to ) as well as fungi.


Yes I agree, its very good reading. And I cant say how many times ive seen a nasty looking atty. :mask:. I try to always keep all my stuff clean. :open_mouth: . I clean everything I have in a ultrasonic cleaner at 75C . and I keep my work area clean with bleach. Not saying this is the right way,but it damn sure cant hurt right :tongue:

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PPL take stuff and run w/ it , and if you mistreat anything it will eventually bite you in the butt. Yes, keep your gear / juices / labs clean. Vaping from what I gathering reading here n there doesn’t cause the fungus it’s the gear see How a FB thread turns it and spins it into something ugly.

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Man, you said it. The lack of common sense is outstanding. I deal with people and entitlements everyday. It’s amazing at how little they are willing to do for themselves.