Mods giving off a cheap metal taste or rusting

Anyone get a metal taste from any particular mods? My Cleito is like that. Do you think it’s made of cheap metal? I licked it near the air flow slot. Not sure if I may have gotten a taste of my evic or if it was the Cleito tank that tasted like metal. I know one thing…If it does it one more time, it’s out the door! As for now, I think I’m not going to be licking my tanks any more. I’d hate to get metal poisoning. Going to keep my mouth on the drip tips and wipe seepage with paper towels!

I’d love to hear from anyone else who has had this issue. I have seen rust on a tank from Fasttech that was a clone.

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I licked it near the air flow slot.

Why?? That is the weirdest thing ive ever read…

If you lick the metal your going to get a metallic taste…

Is this a troll post??? :confused:


Gesh, I don’t know what to say? I know I shouldn’t be licking things. LOL. What’s a troll post? OK Grubby… I just licked 5 of my mods near their air flow slots. Yes, all do give me a slight metallic taste. But, the metallic taste I got from the Cleito the other day was much worse. It turns out, it is on a Nugget mod. And the Nugget mod is metal. That must have been the culprit. Yes, if I lick the Nugget mod, it’s pretty bad.


LOL I thought the same thing but didnt comment :joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat:


If you are talking about the air flow of the tank which I believe you are, your metal taste is from the coil. Though most tanks are made from Food Grade Stainless Steel, most the that companies are not using the same metal to make their coils. Kanger has now released a Stainless Steel coil, The SSOCC. This does not mean the wire is SS, it means the coil parts other than wicking and wire are SS. Perhaps this is why they released the SSOCC, because of the metal taste from non SS coil casings. Don’t know if you remember this but I was bitching about metal taste quite a while back and most thought I was nutty…


Its probably not the Cleito, I have 3 of them. Im wondering if it something in your liquid. Also if you are tasting metal it can actually be medicine or an illness…like a sinus infection or an abcess tooth.

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if you scratch the coil casing you may find it’s brass which is 40% copper which has a strong metallic taste. The old Kanger OCC coils (square blocks) were plated brass

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rotflmao i wondered the same thing as i read the post

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ive never had a bad tatse from the cleito its my 2nd fave .4 coil at 50 watts , great flavor and coils last forever ,

No worries I kinda do the same thing. If I have some leakage I put a paper towel on one side of the airflow and with a finger over the drip tip I blow through the other side to get out any extra juice under there …always get a little on my lips


Problem solved :wink:


I think you should definitely stop licking your nuggets…
There’s a sentence I never thought I’d have to say to anyone…:confused:


Honestly you guys, I just wanted to find out if other people noticed that some tanks or even drip tips of particular brands give off a metallic taste. Another example is the drip tip that came with my ‘Cube’ dripper has such a metallic taste that I changed it out with one that came with an Aromamizer. There must be some differences in the quality or type of stainless steel used by different manufacturers. I’m sure this is true and I do notice this, and I’m not crazy or overly sensitive. Also, just went to the dentist this week and all is fine in there. As for licking Nuggets. . . I do wish I could find some good ones or willing ones or just about anything that wouldn’t involve too much drama. LOL But, as we all know, this online communication is a long distance thing. Out to feed the chickens. Wonderful story is… One baby chicken got a broken leg. Then it seemed like two. She was laying on her back. I couldn’t bring myself to put her out of her misery because she would be so happy when I came to tend to her. She even survived when I didn’t go out there for 48 hours - two separate times. I’d clean her up and give her food and water, and she was so thirsty. This went on for 2 weeks. Well, the day before yesterday, she was standing on two legs! Wow. Glad I didn’t chop her head off.


That is one tough chicken.

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Hi Joy,

I just tore one of my boiled used cleito coils apart to see what the wire was doing to the cotton on the deep dark depth of the coil. There are some black spots near where the wire was on the cotton but that would be normal for the high heat. The rest of the cotton is as white as can be and there is no odor whatsoever on the wire or cotton.

I totally trust these coils and tanks.

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Also… the boiled coils have no ramp up to get rid of initial break in on coil. The boiled ones actually taste better.

I just licked all my tanks and I can confirm…

They are metal… :wink:


This has to be one of the funniest threads I’ve read so far… LOL


Use a napkin!

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