Molinberry Flavors or lack thereof

Holy crap Chefs is gone! I was just going to see what the price was there and they are no more, so sad.

Im really enjoying this, its like a heavy yellow cake with the browned outside, a bit like Classic Sponge MB, like it was made in a funnel cake pan the way my granny made it. Ive been playing with adding Doughnut Crispy FA and Classic Sponge MB in my pound cake mixes and a couple are decent but nothing like this. Light sugar glaze at the end of the vape and a nice mouthfeel. Only the lemon is lacking for me or maybe i was just itching to use some Lemon Silver MF in it. It didnt really need sweetener to add sweetness but a very low amount of Sucralose really brought out the sugar glaze. At 3% in SFT it does make me cough a bit for the first hit or two but in single flavor i dont think i could go lower without the addition of more lemon.

It goes to note that i despised this right after mixing but it really came together after a little over a month, i didnt get to test it during the entire time because i left it here. Im going to make another batch in a bit then test it a little better throughout.

I test everything right after i mix it, a bit of heat, a good shaking and a quick cool then in the Elder Dragon it goes. I use a mech for testing so that i can taste it at a wider range of voltages in the laziest way that i can.

An easy 2 or 3 flavor LPC. Next ill give it a try in a POD mix.