Monsoon - Flavour Art

Holy delicious smells… I opened this bottle up and all I can say is if it tastes anything like it smells my life is complete. Seriously though, it smells like sweet candy … very fruity and vibrant. Of course I have a little stomach bug at the moment and will wait to mix until I can do so without the scents making it worse LOL


I’ve ordered a bottle of that and eagerly awaiting vapemail.

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I haven’t vaped it yet but I did the ol water taste and it has a lot going on! Fruity, candy (almost like smartees) and I think I can taste a subtle cactus flavor in the end?

Going to mix this and the Aurora up now and see what I can do!

honestly it reminds me A LOT of Candy Relic from Mojo vapes! That one is my college girls favorite vape

Just mixed Monsoon single at 4% I get notes of candy like sweet tart without the tart some flowery notes very light vape. It has a shisha feeling to it too. I am gonna try it with some strawberry to have a fuller vape but not mess this flavoring its very good.