I understand how to add flavors to my stash but am finding it very difficult and extremely time consuming. I have avoided this colossal task so far but would really like to have the tools ELR has to offer available to me… Any suggestions are appreciated.
I found it faster to add them all first so it stayed on the same page instead of reloading and going back. Then after they were all in I went into them individually and added quantity. But it is time consuming, but well worth it
How are you sorting through to pick the actual flavor and not the impropery entered ones?
Are you on your "My flavor stash page? Right under where it says collapse/expand all, there is a box that says add flavors. If you type the name of the flavor there, it will auto suggest, and you pick the name with the largest number next to it, hit add button next to it, and type in the next 1.
You can also go to the resources page enter the flavor name and search. Then click the “recipe” heading to sort by the most recipes. Your flavor should be near the top, click on it to open and then at the top left click “add to stash”
I’ve found by using the syntax “Flavor Name (Company ID)” works well when there’s a large amount of names listed in the dropdown list. For example: Yellow Cake (CAP) should get you the most frequently used/referred Capella Yellow Cake. This works for finding flavors in the Flavor List as well.
Right now, to add, say “Sweet Cream (TPA)” you would go to your stash page, and in add flavor write: “tpa swe crea” - the first hit should be the correct one. The problem is that afterwards you have to update volume and price… I will change the interface so it loads quicker, and you can add all info in one go - and you will be able to add more, quicker…
Thank you,everyone for your help and suggestions. The task seems daunting but i will getter done, eventually lol
Another idea is to find a mixer you know has a ton of flavors and they are the right ones (Like @Amy2 ) and add your flavors directly from their stash. Right click on the flavor name and open in new tab, click the green “Add to Stash” button, and then close the window. Wash, rinse, repeat. It’s not AS fast as typing them into the box, but at least you know they’re correct.
Great idea. Thank you. Still feel a list of flavors by each brand should be compiled so that the user can simply checkmark the ones they have…
I agree… That would be the ultimate solution and would also cut down on flavors added errantly with misspellings etc.
Don’t you think that the discussion would just shift to that list never being up to date?
There are a lot of manufacturers, each with a lot of concentrates and they all keep innovating, changing flavors, dropping flavors, …
And so far, it’s still just 1 man maintaining the site and he happens to have a very busy life.
This isn’t ATF and Lars still looks to be active on the forum and site. I’m sure a couple of trustworthy people would be willing to volunteer their time to help compile and maintain a database of flavors.
There are a few that do help here…