MTL Mixing – Where’s the Flavour?

Hey folks,

I’ve been rocking DTL for years and whipping up recipes like a pro (or at least, I think so). But recently, I decided to take a little detour down the MTL trail and give my DVAWR MTL FL 24 a go. I mixed up a couple of my favourite DTL recipes, switched to 50/50 and 60/40 ratios, and… well, the flavour just isn’t hitting the same.

It’s not baaaad (see what I did there?), but it’s not nearly as bold or satisfying as what I’m used to. So, I’m wondering if I’m missing something or if this is just the nature of MTL:

  1. Do I need to crank up the flavour percentages, like you would for pod setups?
  2. Could I be using the DVAWR wrong? I’ve tinkered with airflow and wattage, but it still feels kinda muted.
  3. Should I expect the same flavour intensity from MTL, or is it just a different experience altogether?

Any tips or tricks from the herd? I’d love to hear how you mix for MTL or how you adjusted if you made the jump from DTL. Maybe I’ve been spoiled by the clouds, but I want to give MTL a proper shot!


most of the time, yes, you would need to crank up the %'s, but not always, & not only that.
depending on the recipe you may also need to evict a flavour or 3, for an mtl setup i found basic/simple 2/3 flavour recipes with increased %'s work best (usually around a 50-75% increase in %, so 1% in a DL setup i would usually start at around 1.5-1.75% in an mtl setup).
another thing to take note of is nice bright punchy flavours, these work really well in an mtl setup, because mtl/pod setups are so… one dimensional, for lack of a better term, you dont really pick up on layers/subtle nuances etc like you would with an alien or stag in a DL rda, i mean there are some exceptions where some mtl setups can perform really well & pick up on some of the more subtle nuances, like your dvawr for example, with the right coil/build it should perform quite well, something like mtl alien/claptons should work nicely? coil height/positioning/wicking etc really do matter.
So that, with a nice simple recipe, increased %'s with nice punchy flavours, should get you a pretty nice vape for an mtl setup. oh & also slivhtly increase the sweetener too(by about 25% what you use in a DL recipe)

an example of a simple mtl recipe would be something like -
2.5% fizzy sherbert (VTA)
4%forest fruit (FA)
3% lemon sicily (FA)
2% raspberry blackberry (SSA)
1.25% super sweet (PUR)

i know theres 4 flavours in there but really theres only 2 being used for flavour, the other 2 are just to boost that flavour somewhat, this is just an example of the most recent recipe i made for an mtl setup(vaporesso Luxe X pro, 0.6Ω using gtx rba + 2x28+38g clapton 22 watts) & it worked pretty damn good tbh.

Thats my 2c anyway, :v::heart:


Fruits and lighter creams are better for mixing mtl and as said higher flavor %. Nice tank for more restriction is the Aspire naughty 3; I use the largest af that’s still fairly restricted works well with my fruit mixes. I use the 0.3 coils so not sure about taste with the higher ohm coils. Really nice vape.


Great advice. Both of you. Thank you.

I wrapped up some 2 core claptons for it. I am running 2x 30AWG SS316L cores with a 40AWG Ni80 wrap at 8 ply with a 2.5mm ID. It comes out to 0.9ohms. I installed the coil with a bit of raise over the airflow intake to give the air some space to move before hitting the coil.

I tend to lean more to creamy desert type of flavours. But I will try some fruits next and se how it goes.


yeah that coil/build sounds about right for an mtl setup, you should be able to get pretty good flavour with that, its just dialing in the %'s for an mtl recipe, you can absolutely make a nice desserty/bakery mtl recipe, just push %'s a little higher & try to keep flavours to a minimal.
FA Apple pie around 3-4% would be a good start for they bakery/pie crust layer, add a cream or custard & a fruit of your choice, sweeten it up & you should be good to go.

Also, to test recipes for your mtl tank, dont fill the tank up, just use it like an rda, as in unscrew the chamber/tank section & drip on it making sure to not drip down the airflow of course, i would just paint the cotton & add a drop or 2 on the coil.
Saves having to empty a tank if its not right & will just make testing/adjusting the recipe easier.


Another great tip. This will come in handy down the line.


I’m not a MTL vapist myself, (@Ianc13 may be of some help here) but I do get good flavor in a boro with the Voltrove rba using same percentages as dtl


Sadlad toast crunch by rageisalotofwork and doughboy by frink both hit nicely for me in my Mtl rta. Both of those are on atf. No sure about elr. If your into mango Wayne made a recipe for pod that comes thru good.

10% fe mango
4% Indian mango fa and then I like to add either wf peach gummy or strawberry gummy at 4%. Delish. Also I mix at 50/50 and up the sweetener if that’s your thing.


Do your recipes have Sweetener???


on some recipes yes…Or add sweetener if they dont have it and see what happens.

not familiar with this and rarely have done mtl

No , Do not expect the same flavor especially going from DL to MTL …Think how different single coil vs dual coil rdas are with same recipe . Now your going to something even more different .

if you want to try and use same recipe for mtl then adjust flavor pcts , Whats your top note??? Increase that a bit to see how it comes thru . Im not sure but i doubt your going to get the same dimension in the recipe so focus on the top note maybe . Hopefully that will come thru . Look for different mid notes to add to the recipe that may help…I would think that with mtl you want to be more simple then a recipe for DL rda…Or just forget doing mtl like i did lol, If you were a coffee snob or bacco head then i think mtl would be the way to go from what i understand. Good Luck


Hey mate, you definitely won’t get the same layers and naunces as you would on DL but I only do MTL and only custards and bakery mixes.

Simple is better and I think my max I have had success with has been 4 flavours.

As stated above, pick your main note you want and concentrate on that, use main profile flavours higher than in the DL version.

Experimentation is the key and don’t limit yourself by the rotal flavour as some of my favourites are 20% or higher.


Oh yes, nearly forgot…
I make my mixes at 70Vg min, mostly 80. But I live in Australia and it’s hot here.


I will try that. I’m in South Africa and it gets hot here too.