Musang king liquid

Is there a recipe for Musang King liquid?


Never heard of it. Youā€™ll get better results if you post what you taste.
Welcome to the rabbit hole!


I looked it up, musang king says they use natural musang king durian flavor, I cant even find a durian extract flavor in pg. I saw one on Alibaba, I would avoid like the plague. Its artificial and made in China, itā€™s probably got very dangerous stuff in it. China has no safeguards and toxic stuff gets in through import all the time.

The best you could do is try to replicate the flavor profile. Thatā€™s a really unique one though. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen any durian fruit flavor e liquid.


Sadlyā€¦ it does not reside on the recipe site side of things; out of 154109 recipes.



Until you know more about the specific product I would be careful about that assessment. Most of our flavorings we use contain both natural and artificial ingredients. Many of our common and popular flavorings are, in fact, made in China, ie Hangsen, Flavor Express/SC (at Flavor Jungle), Duomei, Xiā€™an Taima (global manufacturer supplying many companies), Vapelab Co., Limitedā€¦not to say that bad stuff might not make its way out of China, like it does in our own country.


Oh I was afraid of that. :skull_and_crossbones:


Mustang King maybeā€¦ Letā€™s see if this guy comes back to the forumā€¦ :rofl:


@D.Sims LMAO :joy:


@D.Sims A little search shows that Musang King is a plant related to the Durian fruit. That Malaysian custard tasting fruit.

Wait! We shall not jump to conclusions here.

@Ahsusah this is the best I could find for you.


I think @Ahsusah left :person_shrugging:


Hit and run!!!


I have hope this soul returnsā€¦


Musang king is variety of durians. One of the best durian after black thorn. Many variety plant in malay, thailand and indonesia


One of variety of durian. Durian is tropical fruit


I remember Xiā€™an Taima is offering Durian flavor and their flavors are pretty good, so iā€™d start there.
Since itā€™s not even in databases here, itā€™s nearly impossible someone could really help you except by guessing; i would probably look for some Malaysian / Pilipino / other Asian vaping forums. Good luck (and now iā€™m curious about this one too).

Edit: orā€¦ change the headline into something like Any Malasian/SE Asian here? and they might come and help you. There are many here.


Welcome and glad you joined.


I read about the Durian fruit and would love to eat one but I doubt we could get a good quality here in the US.

There are Durian flavors out there, itā€™s a matter of finding the right flavor company to buy from. @Mikser is correct about Xiā€™an Taima flavor brand. @STR8V8PING says the best place to buy Taima is on Alibaba. They have their own store there and is shipped directly to you.

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You can actually find em at asian grocery stores. The ones Iā€™ve been too have all kinds of exotic fruits. I used to work with lots of people from Asia, durians have the nickname ā€œstinky fruitā€ apparently they smellā€¦ Really bad. Ive never had it fresh but Iā€™ve had it in banh pia pastry cakes. I love those things omg. Theyre like super gourmet compared to American snack cakes. The durian filling in those has a sort of sweet onion-y essence, but in a really nice, pleasant way. Getting hungry thinking about them.

I think Iā€™ve seen durian at the local asian grocery stores, but definitely Iā€™ve seen big old jackfruits. I havenā€™t tried one personally, but the flavor description of jackfruit sounds like its more palatable to western tastes.

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Thx for the reminder. I used to frequent the Asian grocery stores a lot around here when my route took me in those areas. I love White Rabbit candies but I hesitate to look for them again because the first time I tried them I ate the entire bag.

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