Any musicians out there? I’m looking for some mixing software that I can use with the 200 or so vinyl rips I acquired and I am wondering what’s the best in your experience to use? I know I’ve seen mention of it for people that record instruments and the like, but I can’t seem to find said topics. Thanks
Assuming that you (only) have stereo track signals to process, Audacity is a (rare) free application that has 15-band Graphic EQ and Compression/Limiting, among a slew of other processing effects that one (might want) to utilize in order to enhance “vinyl” sound to something more palatable. Get the free add-ons, too. The UI is rather basic (not much for pretty displays, it seems) - but it is fairly well developed and supported (via forum), and you will likely end up with less malware in your craw due to using Bit Torrent downloading apps (notorious), or on-board embedded gremlins. I assume that you are aware of Google’s VirusTotal free malware scanning web-site. It will scan (using gobs of snazzy engines) files up to a full 550 Mbyte file-size.
Oh, free? I like that, saves me a trip to Pirate Bay
Cakewalk looks promising, dunno about downloading Chrome though
I don’t think that Cakewalk has ever been free of charge - and it’s unrelated to the internet browser used.
Yeah, Audacity is the shit now that I figured out where the EQ is
What a great piece of software… Thanks
One thing that pisses me off about Beatport is the fact that if you lost your tracks, you have to rebuy them… I thought that when I bought them they’d be on my account forever to download
Good to hear. Yes, that drop-down list of “Effects” can be so long and full of choices that it’s like trying to take in a printed telephone-book. I use the previous Version 2.1.3 (due to my byzantine WinXP OS). For that, I also acquired the (also free, somewhere in their related web-pages) LADSPA Plugin, FFmpeg Import/Export, and Lame MP3 Encoder. Have not really used it. Used to have Sony SoundForge - until it seemed to “time-out”, and refused to run a few years ago. The nice graphical displays of SF and its UI spoiled me. Audacity looks much more sparse with the slick displays. But it is free - and not infected !
I’m sure it’s not as robust as ableton or equivalent, but I can make due, I started on Numark belt drive turntables to mix that I’d always have to ride the pitch to keep the tracks matched… This should be a breeze, I just gotta learn the material now and it has been quite enjoyable.
I started out on Wavepad
For what it’s worth, I would have said Audacity as well, I used to even do the ringtones on that one…
I use Cubase for mixing and Wavelab for mastering. Wavelab includes a nice restoration suite. Ozone RX7 Elements is a stand alone restoration suite for around $29 USD.
I start mixing on a vinyl with a denon and a audiotechnica turntable hooked up to hercule rmx 2 console running thru a laptop with tractor pro 2 and using audacity for mastering if i have too