My local vape shop/head shop infiltrated by FDA and Law Enforcement

This morning I spoke with the wife of my local vape and head shop. Friday afternoon over 12 FDA officers and police officers brought a search warrant and ransacked and rummaged their entire store. They were asking stupid questions and demanding no vaping while they were there. By the end of it, one of the FDA officers told the husband owner that there were 10 different violations that he could charge him with and arrest him.
Nothing was communicated clearly enough to even understand what was illegal at all. The part that they were most annoyed with was the dry herb products. The store has herb grinders and were told they are not allowed to have them. They were also very concerned with chargers and said that one particular USB charger was a counterfeit Sony charger for Iphones. It seems the second most item of interest to them were Mods and batteries. They were asking what Mods are for, what do they do, why do they use batteries. Things they had to already know and it just sounded to me like it’s a scare tactic to try to start getting shops to just close up.
I think it’s an early start to make vaping unavailable to the public hoping that the cigarette tax revenues will go back up.What will really happen is the government will lose vaping tax revenue. Us vapors love our vape much more than we ever did cigarettes. An avenue outside of sales tax is fine by me…


And where is this Vape/Head shop located?


I would like to hear the answer to this question too. The fact that you also included it’s a dual business, and they sell other products may have a lot to do with them being raided.


Beaufort, NC about 10 miles from Atlantic Beach public access is where the shop is located

. I really think the head shop part was a bonus because the main reason they came it seems they spent the most time with the electronic items. Chargers, batteries and mods seemed to be their main interest but the other stuff there seemed to be annoying to them as though they had to address it but didn’t want to focus on that. They didn’t seem at all interested in the e-liquids either and that seems odd, why just the electronics?

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This is very concerning, but I’m confused about the timeline. Did this happen on Friday, May the 20th?

Also, what specific violations were mentioned? Were the owners provided a list? Inquiring minds want to know.


I’m sorry a date would help, it was Friday the 20th. No specifics except the supposed counterfeit Sony chargers, and some charging adapters for USB to micro cable made by Joytech and herb grinders. I only spoke with the wife owner, I will speak to the husband tomorrow as he made her leave while they were there, she was hot, so he made her go home. He will be able to tell me more. This business is legit and they don’t sell anything there that is. If that were so, I don’t understand why if the say they could arrest him but did not. Makes no sense to me. I think it’s like I said, government trying to control things to gain tax money back by trying to bully the competition.

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I’d love to read that search warrant.
Being this is all third-hand, I’m really not sure what to make of it.


True that search warrant may have some answers as their direction… But curious as to why this one went down, the FDA doing sweeps doesn’t make sense at the shop really… Counterfeit always an issue but doesn’t seem like the FDAs issue unless its fake food of course. And if I’m not mistaken NC is next on potential states for medical marijuana with potential successful bills in place?.. Can’t say scare tactics aren’t possible but that’s probably more unlikely than the cause


I love how the Constitutional restriction against soldiers aggressing against citizens is so blatantly disregarded here.

There is no charter in the Constitution for a military presence on US territory. This was wholly an aggressive military enforcement action.



That about says it all, right there. Perfect.