Nothing to do with vaping but my niece is killing it in the pool. The first woman to ever swim the 100m backstroke in under 55 seconds.
the Queenslander even better
You give her a huge hug from me @woftam… take her out for a snack too…
I am so proud of her!!
Dude!! That’s amazing!
Congrats …Proud moment for sure!!! Aussies are bad ass swimmers
We have to be able to out swim the apex predators down here
Wow that really is outstanding
BTW Simon… I was half expecting to report a pr0n link when I saw the title. lol
Congratulate her for me! Olympic soon?
Thanks, it wouldn’t load for me either.
Great achievement @woftam, it looks like excellence runs in the family
Lmao I dunno about that
Yes for sure she missed the last Olympics when she was 15 by about .15 of a second (from memory) to make the team, her time would have still beaten most of the other countries swimmers just not the AU swimmers at the time
That’s ok. We do!
Simply amazing! Congratulate her for us.
Aussie, Aussie, Aussie!!
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Congratulations Woftam! I bet your full of happiness!!!