the ohm meter i have was/is cheap and is obviously inaccurate…so i am in the market, but there are sooooo many…
so i am reaching out to the seasoned veterans out there…i need recommendations for the best ohm meter for the money…
please and thank you!
Holy moly that thing is a beast! I wouldn’t even know what to do with all that. LoL.
My ohm meter is el cheapo also, but it registers the same as my mod so I guess that’s good enough for now.
My $2 Harbor Freight multi-meter is not worthy!
That thing even fires the coils. Nice bit of kit.
It is out of stock
You got cool stuff. I want one. How does it preform ?
Oh I haven’t got it - I just said I’d love to own one I have two ohm meters - both of them cheap stuff from Fasttech - They’re ok, but I would like that Coil Master 521 Tab with the firing button I haven’t found them in stock in Europe yet…
I looked at those, but $85 is a bit much for an ohm meter, I think ;D
I got the $23 one lol
Ah yes But I want one that fires an atty as well
Some times i don’t read well or under stand what i read Lol Do we know some one who has one.
Bummer, they only ship to US.
I honestly haven’t built very many coils but when I first started I was scared to death of blowing myself up so I went with the most accurate ohm reader I could find lol.
i did not realize that i figured they would ship any where since they had a china ware house. That’s what all ways happens when i figure. you will have to wait on slow tech. lol
I’ve been shopping around for this for a few days now but haven’t found a “reasonable” price for it yet. Would love to have one!
I bought mine on EBay for about 8.00. It’s accurate as it matches my Fluke multimeter exactly. They actually sent me two of them and told me to keep the second one as it was their mistake. I thought that was pretty cool of them.